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Category LiveBookmarks Plus

Category LiveBookmarks Icon
New version of Category LiveBookmarks Plus (CLB+) now available! CLB+ version 2.3.0b enables WordPress 2.3+ users to configure and customize the ultimate set of autodetection feeds, category feeds, category links, and feed links.

Features include completely rewritten, optimized code, optional category post counts, and custom RSS-icon links for all category and/or feed links. Overall, the new version is faster and more flexible than ever!

Let’s take a quick look..

Update: Category LiveBookmarks is discontinued as WordPress has integrated all of the same functionality. So no more need for this plugin!</update>

Live bookmarks

Category LiveBookmarks Plus is the easy way to provide complete “Live Bookmark” functionality and “Post Smart” feed links to your WordPress-powered website. Simply install the plugin, and users with Firefox, Opera, Navigator, or any other modern browser, will enjoy a selection of your RSS feed links at their fingertips. CLB Plus seamlessly integrates the code necessary for modern browsers to automatically detect and update any RSS feed available from the current page, enabling readers to stay current with important news and updates.

About the plugin

Category LiveBookmarks Plus also makes it easy to add category feed links to posts, comments, pages, or anywhere else within your site. Simply add the <? clb_plus(); ?> function to the desired location within your blog, and there enjoy a contextually relevant selection of completely customizable RSS feed links. There are also options to include RSS feed links for “all posts” and “all comments”, as well as settings to customize markup, icons, and feed links. Plus, as of version 1.7.7, there are options to display a custom set of category links next to feed links, which may include comment counts and RSS-icon links.

With CLB+, you may customize category feeds for the various WordPress view types (e.g., category views, page views). CLB automatically omits feeds with zero posts, and also excludes subcategory feeds. Further, this plugin produces strictly valid XHTML markup.

Installation and Usage

  1. Unzip php file and add to wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Open php file and adjust any of the “CLB OPTIONS”, if desired.
  3. Add the following function call to your sidebar or any other location:
    <?php if (function_exists('clb_plus')) { clb_plus(); } ?>
  4. Feed links will be added to the <head> automatically. No further action required.
  5. Feed links will be added to the <body> wherever the function call (from step 3) is located.

Related Information

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
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131 responses to “Category LiveBookmarks Plus”

  1. — ooof! Yes, that is definitely a problem..
    Thank you very much for pointing it out.
    I will have to dig back thru my themes and update them for IE7. — Oh joy!

  2. >> Perishable,
    thank you again for your work but i think you not fully undestand what i mean when tell you “like here”

    I mean on every real link to your category meed place icon with rss feed for that category.
    Example: SEO News Category | SEO News Feed
    Its is possible?

  3. and about seo news – rss icon with kink to feed url

  4. Perishable 2006/11/20 9:28 am

    I recently updated CLB+ plugin to include exactly the functionality you requested. There are now many options for establishing feed links with their corresponding category links.

    I have examined the page to which you linked. The only difference between those category/feed links and CLB+ feed/links is that their order is reversed. That is, the feed icons are to the right (as opposed to the left) of the category links.

    Is this what you are talking about? ..Such that the links appear similar to:

    Horse Category [Feed Icon for Horse Category]

    Rather than vice versa?

  5. hmm yeah you are right? your example is correct but i can’t configurate it like you….
    Horse Category [Feed Icon for Horse Category]
    Horse Category –> link to real category, not rss
    [Feed Icon for Horse Category] –>link to rss feed of this category…

  6. Perishable 2006/11/20 3:35 pm

    Here are the settings to configure CLB+ to provide the category/feed links as discussed. Copy and paste into your CLB+ plugin file to replace the current settings. Let me know if it doesn’t work..

  7. ahh i see $catlinks = TRUE; can be true…nice thanx for work, did it possible sorted by idm name etc ?? mean name of category name

  8. Perishable 2006/11/21 8:15 am

    Yes, scroll down to around line #300, and find the two lines that begin as follows:

    SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, ...
    FROM $wpdb->categories ...

    At the end of that second line, simply replace "cat_ID" with "category_nicename". That should arrange your category list alphabetically. If that doesn’t do the job, try replacing it with "cat_name" instead..

  9. Thanks for this useful plugin. I could not install the laste version because at first it asked me if I want to install it and then it give an error. I was able to install 1.33 without any problem. Any hint?

  10. Mario, what was the error?

  11. Thank you. I installed it again and it is working wonderful. Great plugin.

  12. Help please. There is no available download at the link for latest release of CLB (1.77). Plz help into this matter. Thank you.

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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