This code will display a set of category links along with their feed link icons aligned left: (Please remember to change the URL of the feed icon..) // ############ ========================================================================== // // BEGIN CLB OPTIONS ===================================================================== // // Note: No changes are necessary for the plugin to work as intended. // These settings enable users to customize CLB plugin functionality. // The next two (2) options control the feed links that will appear in the document *head* >> // Note: *head* links are created automatically -- no further action is required. // 1. Do you have a specific "title" for your blog? If so, enter it here. $title = get_bloginfo(); // Default is "get_bloginfo()", which displays your blog title. // 2. Do you want an "autodiscovery" link for "all comments" to be generated? $headcomments = TRUE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is TRUE]. // The next ten (10) options control the feed links that will appear in the document *body* >> // Note: *body* links will appear only when the "clb_plus();" function is called. // 1. Which element(s) would you like to place before the entire set of links? $before_body_links = "". // 3. Which element(s) would you like to place before each individual link? $before_each_link = "
  • "; // Default is "
  • ". // 4. Which element(s) would you like to place after each individual link? $after_each_link = "
  • "; // Default is "". // 5. Would you like to include an RSS feed for Comments with your category links? $comments = FALSE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is TRUE]. // 6. What shall we name the of your Comment link (assuming you have one)? $comtitle = "RSS Feed for all Comments"; // Default is "RSS Feed for all Comments". // 7. What shall we name the actual link for your Comment feed? $linkcoms = "Comments (RSS)"; // Default is "Comments (RSS)". // 8. Would you like to include an RSS feed for All Posts with your category links? $allposts = FALSE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is TRUE]. // 9. What shall we name the title="" of your All-Posts link (assuming you have one)? $postitle = "RSS Feed for all Posts"; // Default is "RSS Feed for all Posts". // 10. What shall we name the actual link for your All-Posts feed? $linkpost = "Posts (RSS)"; // Default is "Posts (RSS)". // The next five (5) options control category linkage, category icons, and feed icons // Note: The default configuration has not changed since the previous version of CLB+ // Note: These options enable you to create various cominations of cat links, feed links, post counts, and icons // 1. Do you want a category link to appear before each category feed link? $catlinks = FALSE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is FALSE]. // 2. Do you want to display the number of posts in each category? // Note: <span class="clb-catcount"> is included in the code for CSS styling. $catcount = FALSE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is FALSE]. // 3. Would you like to display your own RSS icon next to the link(s)? $catimage = TRUE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is FALSE]. // 4. If you are displaying your own RSS icon, where is it located? $imglink = ''; // URL of RSS icon. // 5. If you are not using an image next to your feed links, would you prefer some text instead? $rsstext = ' (RSS)'; // Enter your custom text here [the default text is ' (RSS)'] (note the space) // The next three (3) options apply to feed links in *both head and body* (if applicable) >> // Note: *head* links are created automatically -- no further action is required. // Note: *body* links will appear only when the "clb_plus();" function is called. // 1. For category archive views, should we display all RSS feeds? $catarchive = TRUE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is TRUE]. // 2. For page views, should we display all RSS feeds? $pagelinks = TRUE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is TRUE]. // 3. For author archive views, should we display all RSS feeds? $authorlinks = TRUE; // TRUE = "yes" and FALSE = "no" [the default is TRUE]. // END CLB OPTIONS ======================================================================= // // ############ ========================================================================== //