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WordPress Basics: Log In to Admin

This article begins a series of tutorials covering the very basics of using WordPress. In this part 1 of the series, you will learn how to log in to your WordPress-powered site. Estimated time required: 5 minutes.

Update! Check out a video tutorial on how to login to the WordPress Admin »

How to log in to WordPress

To login to the WordPress Administration area (aka, the WP Admin Area), follow these steps:

1. Go to the Admin Login screen
Go to the WordPress login screen, generally located at either:

Note: If WordPress is installed in a subdirectory, the login screen should be located at either:

..where /subdirectory/ is the name of the subdirectory in which WordPress is installed.

2. Enter your username and password
The Admin screen presents two text fields: one for your username and one for your password. Enter each accordingly (note: make sure that caps lock is off, as the information is case-sensitive).
3. Set the “Remember Me” option
If you would like WordPress to remember your login information to make it easier next time, check the “Remember Me” option before clicking the Login button (note: anyone who has access to your computer will be able to login as you if this option is selected — not recommended for public computers! use with caution).
4. Click the Login button
After entering your login information and making a choice concerning the “Remember Me” option, click the “Login” button to gain access to the WordPress Admin area.
5. Success!
If you were successful logging in to the WordPress Admin area, you will be greeted by the WordPress Dashboard, which presents a neat summary of both internal (your blog) and external (WP news) WordPress information.

Next up in the WordPress Basics series, Publishing Posts via the WP Admin »

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About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
Wizard’s SQL for WordPress: Over 300+ recipes! Check the Demo »

One response to “WordPress Basics: Log In to Admin”

  1. very good!

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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