Essential Firefox Extensions
Firefox users, lend me your ears! As you know, Firefox is like the most excellent, versatile, reliable, and secure browser available today. Extensions are just one of the features that make Firefox so versatile and efficient. Extensions enable Fx users to customize their browsing experience by adding tools that help with security, searching, and multimedia. Here is a list of my favorite — nay, essential — Firefox extensions:
- Adblock Plus
- Sidebar Note
- Broadband Speed Test and Diagnostics
- Empty Cache Button
- Colorful Tabs
- ColorZilla
- URLs List
- Link Text and Location Copier
- Google Redesigned
- Download Statusbar
- FireFTP
- Video DownloadHelper
- HTML Validator
- Zoom for Firefox
- Link Analyzer
- Measure-It
- Search by Image – Reverse Image Search
- Full Web Page Screenshots
- Search Site WE
- SeoQuake SEO extension
- IP Check
- Tree Tabs
- Torrent-Search Toolbar
- User Agent Switcher
- Video DownloadHelper
- Web Developer
For more awesome Firefox extensions, check out 10 Firefox Extensions that I Use Every Day.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
7 responses to “Essential Firefox Extensions”
A note on the Fasterfox plugin: adding the following two lines of code to the root
file will spare servers from heavy loads caused by the plugin's enhanced prefetching feature.user-agent: Fasterfox
disallow: /
to download embedded videos I prefer to use Ook? Video Ook!
thanks for the heads up regarding Ook? Video Ook! — i have downloaded and installed a copy and will give it a try!
that’s terribly ironic or just funny.
Update: we removed the SEO Links Fx Plugin (404 link removed 2012/06/26) due to conflicts with both Lightbox and FancyTooltips (plugin for WordPress). Our exclusive article, Lightbox + FancyTooltips Bug Fix, describes and solves a conflict between Lightbox and FancyTooltips. The methods described in the article may be useful in resolving the issue encountered with SEO Links for Firefox when Lightbox or FancyTooltips is also present.
I’ve used Fasterfox for quite a while now, and though it occasionally slows down new pages I visit, pages I regularly visit it speeds up surfing a LOT!
I’ve found a link for a tweaked version of Fasterfox, called rather cheesly Fastererfox. It allows you to grab web pages even faster with some new options which can be changed by the rather cool sounding “Thrash” option in the properties box.
Thanks Mark — I will definitely check it out!