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Contact Perishable via Comment

If you have question, comment, or concern, and prefer to leave a comment rather than send an email, please drop a comment via the form below. I keep a close eye on all comments left on this post, and will do my best to respond in as soon as possible. Please note that all comments left at this post are open to the public and available for anyone to see. If you would like to contact me privately, you may do so via the site’s contact form.

That said, have at it!

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Security Specialist. WordPress Buff.
GA Pro: Add Google Analytics to WordPress like a pro.

5 responses to “Contact Perishable via Comment”

  1. Maggie Eslinger 2008/04/08 4:45 pm

    Thank you for your post last year on how to Create Symbolic links in PHP. I have been looking for ages for an easy simple example. The only thing about your site that I don’t like is that it is black with white lettering. The only way I can easily read it is to highlight it with Ctrl A.

    Thanks again, Maggie

  2. Perishable 2008/04/09 9:34 am

    Thanks for the feedback, Maggie. I hear you about the readability issue, and will be taking steps to improve the situation while redesigning the site here within the next couple of months. In the meantime, after the default theme is restored (for today, the CSS styles have been disabled), you can always click on the small sun icon in the lower-right corner of the screen to “lighten things up” a bit. I hope that helps!

  3. contrastblind 2008/04/28 6:29 am

    Hi, was about to let you know your site is unreadable, then I stumbled upon #comment-58756.

    So I confirm: unreadable (I see dark pink on a black background), and you don’t notice the sun icon at all if you don’t know it’s there.

    Too bad, I’m sure there’s lots of interesting stuff hiding in there.

    Regards, anonymous coward

  4. Perishable 2008/04/28 7:33 am

    Thank you for the feedback, contrastblind. I hear your concerns and assure you that I am working diligently on a new default theme for the site. Lord willing, the new design will feature strongly contrasted text and nice, big font sizes. In the meantime, there are several options for users who may have trouble reading the contents of this site or any other:

    – disable stylesheets in your browser
    – use a JavaScript bookmark to toggle the CSS styles of problematic pages
    – highlight the text using Ctrl+A

    ..and specifically for this site:

    – use the sun icon that you now know about to brighten things up a bit
    – select an alternate theme (currently more than 16 available)

    Frankly, although I have compassion for people who may have difficulty browsing low-contrast sites, I am surprised at the apparent lack of knowledge concerning these alternate solutions. Surely, many fine webmasters and designers are bending over backwards these days to produce sites that are usable by the largest common denominator. I have experienced countless situations in which inspiring and creative designs were simply scrapped in the name of usability. I feel that usability is everyone’s responsibility, not just the designer’s. When such responsibility is placed entirely on designers, users tend to take their efforts for granted, get complacent, and assume an apathetically privileged attitude, as seen in quotes such as this:

    Too bad, I’m sure there’s lots of interesting stuff hiding in there.

    In my humble opinion, such attitudes are counterproductive. Sure, let’s just give up on a site and all of its information simply because it might be necessary to click an extra button or two.

  5. Listen. Do not have an opinion while you listen because frankly, your opinion doesn?t hold much water outside of Your Universe. Just listen. Listen until their brain has been twisted like a dripping towel and what they have to say is all over the floor.

Comments are closed for this post. Something to add? Let me know.
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