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Category LiveBookmarks Plus

Category LiveBookmarks Icon
New version of Category LiveBookmarks Plus (CLB+) now available! CLB+ version 2.3.0b enables WordPress 2.3+ users to configure and customize the ultimate set of autodetection feeds, category feeds, category links, and feed links.

Features include completely rewritten, optimized code, optional category post counts, and custom RSS-icon links for all category and/or feed links. Overall, the new version is faster and more flexible than ever!

Let’s take a quick look..

Update: Category LiveBookmarks is discontinued as WordPress has integrated all of the same functionality. So no more need for this plugin!</update>

Live bookmarks

Category LiveBookmarks Plus is the easy way to provide complete “Live Bookmark” functionality and “Post Smart” feed links to your WordPress-powered website. Simply install the plugin, and users with Firefox, Opera, Navigator, or any other modern browser, will enjoy a selection of your RSS feed links at their fingertips. CLB Plus seamlessly integrates the code necessary for modern browsers to automatically detect and update any RSS feed available from the current page, enabling readers to stay current with important news and updates.

About the plugin

Category LiveBookmarks Plus also makes it easy to add category feed links to posts, comments, pages, or anywhere else within your site. Simply add the <? clb_plus(); ?> function to the desired location within your blog, and there enjoy a contextually relevant selection of completely customizable RSS feed links. There are also options to include RSS feed links for “all posts” and “all comments”, as well as settings to customize markup, icons, and feed links. Plus, as of version 1.7.7, there are options to display a custom set of category links next to feed links, which may include comment counts and RSS-icon links.

With CLB+, you may customize category feeds for the various WordPress view types (e.g., category views, page views). CLB automatically omits feeds with zero posts, and also excludes subcategory feeds. Further, this plugin produces strictly valid XHTML markup.

Installation and Usage

  1. Unzip php file and add to wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Open php file and adjust any of the “CLB OPTIONS”, if desired.
  3. Add the following function call to your sidebar or any other location:
    <?php if (function_exists('clb_plus')) { clb_plus(); } ?>
  4. Feed links will be added to the <head> automatically. No further action required.
  5. Feed links will be added to the <body> wherever the function call (from step 3) is located.

Related Information

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Security Specialist. WordPress Buff.
Digging Into WordPress: Take your WordPress skills to the next level.

131 responses to “Category LiveBookmarks Plus”

  1. We’ve been experiencing a loss of functionality with WP 2.5 as well.

    In replenishing the feed to html on a website, attributes like the more tag don’t come through.

    Many thanks for any advice.

  2. Perishable 2008/04/30 8:21 am

    @cobb, Hal: Thanks for the feedback about Category Live Bookmarks Plus. Although the plugin does not currently support WordPress 2.5, I am working diligently to find the time for an update. As soon as this is possible, I will consult your comments and provide internal solutions (if/when possible) and/or address the issues directly (via this comments section). In the meantime, thank you for pointing out these concerns — it definitely facilitates the process of updating the plugin. Thank you :)

  3. thanks dude. Great plugin BTW!

    Trying to keep my clients from wiggging out and asking me to re-install wp 2.3. Sigh.

  4. Perishable 2008/04/30 8:59 am

    I hear you, Hal! ;) I will definitely do my best to get to this as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to ping me again to keep the pressure on! :)

  5. I am integrating WP 2.5 into my existing site. Will your plug in work?

  6. Perishable 2008/07/23 9:27 am

    No, according to several users, CLB+ does not work well with WP 2.5 (see previous comments). As soon as time allows, I will resolve the issue and post an updated version of the plugin. Hopefully soon! ;)

  7. Hi, I really need this mod’ installed on my website. I was thrilled when I finally discovered this mod’ – great work. We kicking off a new website with WordPress running the blog. Of course, I installed WP 2.6 and have spent a reasonable amount of time customizing this. BUT oh no, your mod’ doesn’t work with my version of WP installed. Have you got close to provide an update??

  8. Hi Peter, no I have yet to free up some time to work on this. I will try to look at it this afternoon, but no promises that a new version will be directly forthcoming. It may take some time to adapt the functionality to the ever-changing WordPress API.

  9. Can you exclude category feeds and include subcategory feeds?

  10. I have been using your clb plus plugin for a while now, its a brilliant addition for navigation and providing category feed links. The plugin variables allow to display contextual category/feed links, or show all category/feed links. Does a function exist that allows to show both, contextual links in one place, AND all category/feed links in another, at the same time?

  11. Jeff Starr 2008/10/21 3:49 pm

    @George: not currently, but that is an excellent idea that I will try to implement in the next release. In the meantime, a workaround would be to have the plugin generate the complete list of feed links and then copy and paste them into your sidebar (or wherever) while allowing the plugin to generate the contextual links.

  12. Any update on whether this works with the current version of WordPress (2.6.3)? The comments from August seem to indicate that you are still working on this, but the beginning of the post above indicates it works with 2.3+.

    Looks like it would be just what I have been looking for if it works with the most current version.

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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