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Category LiveBookmarks Plus

Category LiveBookmarks Icon
New version of Category LiveBookmarks Plus (CLB+) now available! CLB+ version 2.3.0b enables WordPress 2.3+ users to configure and customize the ultimate set of autodetection feeds, category feeds, category links, and feed links.

Features include completely rewritten, optimized code, optional category post counts, and custom RSS-icon links for all category and/or feed links. Overall, the new version is faster and more flexible than ever!

Let’s take a quick look..

Update: Category LiveBookmarks is discontinued as WordPress has integrated all of the same functionality. So no more need for this plugin!</update>

Live bookmarks

Category LiveBookmarks Plus is the easy way to provide complete “Live Bookmark” functionality and “Post Smart” feed links to your WordPress-powered website. Simply install the plugin, and users with Firefox, Opera, Navigator, or any other modern browser, will enjoy a selection of your RSS feed links at their fingertips. CLB Plus seamlessly integrates the code necessary for modern browsers to automatically detect and update any RSS feed available from the current page, enabling readers to stay current with important news and updates.

About the plugin

Category LiveBookmarks Plus also makes it easy to add category feed links to posts, comments, pages, or anywhere else within your site. Simply add the <? clb_plus(); ?> function to the desired location within your blog, and there enjoy a contextually relevant selection of completely customizable RSS feed links. There are also options to include RSS feed links for “all posts” and “all comments”, as well as settings to customize markup, icons, and feed links. Plus, as of version 1.7.7, there are options to display a custom set of category links next to feed links, which may include comment counts and RSS-icon links.

With CLB+, you may customize category feeds for the various WordPress view types (e.g., category views, page views). CLB automatically omits feeds with zero posts, and also excludes subcategory feeds. Further, this plugin produces strictly valid XHTML markup.

Installation and Usage

  1. Unzip php file and add to wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Open php file and adjust any of the “CLB OPTIONS”, if desired.
  3. Add the following function call to your sidebar or any other location:
    <?php if (function_exists('clb_plus')) { clb_plus(); } ?>
  4. Feed links will be added to the <head> automatically. No further action required.
  5. Feed links will be added to the <body> wherever the function call (from step 3) is located.

Related Information

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
Digging Into WordPress: Take your WordPress skills to the next level.

131 responses to “Category LiveBookmarks Plus”

  1. Timothy B 2007/10/24 2:18 pm

    After screwing with the code and plugins it IS something with the cat live bookmarks plugin. I’m going to deactivate it and find a workaround.. =(

  2. Looks like it worked! Thanks for your help on that issue! =)

    I had a weird database problem, so I had to reinstall WP and start all over again, but I’m slowly re-typing all 98 feeds in..

    I wonder, is there a way to keep certain categories from showing up in the list? i.e. Asia. ‘Although Asia Is Green’ has all the posts from that blog, it also belongs in the Asia category, though I don’t want it to show on that particular list.

    At some point I want to have a Geographical list section to show all the particular blogs from each particular continent or country.

    Thanks again for the useful plugin =)

  3. Perishable 2007/10/25 7:27 pm

    Great to hear that the alphanumeric ordering is working for you. Perhaps I will integrate it as an official option for the next CLB+ update ;)

    As for specifying the omission of specific categories, I am certain it is possible, and will look into it as soon as time allows. Thanks again for your feedback and ideas — they work to improve the overall plugin experience for everyone. — Cheers :)

  4. I would like to shorten the length of each post in the feed, so the reader would have to click through to read the entire post. Is this possible with Category Bookmarks? thanks!!

  5. Actually, CLB+ only links to the feeds, it doesn’t actually generate them. However, it is simple to show only partial feeds. In the WP Admin, go to the Options » Reading subpanel, and select the option to show only “Summary” views for syndicated articles.

  6. hi,

    which configuration do i have to make so make that the category pages, so for example only show the rss feed for all, countries, bulgaria and belene?

    Now I always end up with a whole lot of other categories of posts which have also the belen category, but for someone checking out “belene”, the atomstroyexport feed is not really relevant.


  7. Perishable 2008/01/27 8:41 am

    Hi daniel, this issue has been mentioned before but I have not yet found time to implement a solution. I will definitely try to work this functionality into the next update. Thanks for the reminder :)

  8. Hi Perishable , this is really a great plugin. I’m using it on my blog and it helped me a lot with the RSS stuff, but I guess there is something missing; can this plugin generate RSS feed for comments for each post as you are offering for your readers at the bottom of the comment form (Subscribe to comments on this post via RSS)? if not, can you please tell how to generate such a feed?


  9. Perishable 2008/02/05 1:42 am

    Hi MK, thanks for requesting this feature. I had thought about it, but have not yet found the time to integrate individual post-comment feeds. This is an excellent idea that I will work on for the next release. And, with this and all of the other great suggestions for the plugin, the next version should be one of the best! Stay tuned..

  10. Hi, I am trying to add a new widget and then plug the code into there. I am not able to edit the existing category widget. Please provide some guidance.

  11. Perishable 2008/02/17 9:26 am

    Hi Azeem, I am a bit unclear as to the exact nature of your issue.. Could you please provide more information via email? I would be more than happy to provide help for issues related to my plugin ;)

  12. I have a widgetized template and needed to add a category widget utilizing your function call.

    I managed to make it work, What I did was I installed the following widget barebones template:

    then I plugged in your function call replacing his “hello world”

    Now when I click on a specific post it only shows me the corresponding categories in the widget.. what setting do I change to keep it showing all of the categories?

    you can check out my site to see whats going on.


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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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