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Web Dev + WordPress + Security
Author: Jeff Starr
956 Posts
Jeff Starr is a web developer, author, and teacher specializing in web security and building awesome things with WordPress. His favorite online projects include Plugin Planet,, and Jeff writes books, runs his own business, writes about web development, and makes video tutorials at More »

Osseus Website Update

Osseus Website Multimedia artist extraordinaire, Kenneth Paul Schrag — better known as Osseus to his fellow DLa comrades — is currently in the process of updating his personal design portfolio website (Flash required). Ken’s work is diverse, with online samples covering both graphic design and illustration. We finally met up with Ken and Yasuko several months ago before their Japanese trip. We shared coffee in the Desert Oasis and shared recent experiences and creative happenings. Ken and Yasuko have been […] Continue reading »

Gizoogle Gonna Break it Down

Gangsta lean. Gangsta tuff. Da Search Engine and Translator delivahz da roofless bidniss fo’ da previous post. Continue reading »

Monzilla Media Website Update

Monzilla Media After working more than nine months developing Perishable Press into a valuable online resource, which houses a growing library of notes, examples, and ideas related to the creative universe of Perishable, we feel well-prepared to press ahead with the next phase of our secret plans. About a year ago, we purchased the domain,, after deciding on a business name and refocusing our goals. Since that time, we have been sharpening skills and preparing for business. Now, as […] Continue reading »

Migration and Propagation Business

The overly dramatic process of transferring our Online Empire to a new server and then back again manifests several valuable lessons. Please look back your note and observe the following suggestions during any future server migration and/or domain propagation events… Continue reading »

More Server Drama

After successfully migrating our domains to a new server at, we continued writing articles, uploading, embellishing, and fine-tuning everything. Everything seemed fine. At first… Continue reading »

Perishable Press Server Migration

As you may have read, we recently transferred our online empire to a new server. Although the overall process went smoothly enough, several learning opportunities unfolded during the migration of our humble Perishable Press website… Continue reading »

Server Migration Details

About a year ago we signed up with a hosting provider that offered one of the best hosting deals around: lots of space, bandwidth, and transfer — plus all of the usual server software amenities that make life easier. Everything went smoothly at first… In fact, the first six months of service were close to 100%. The few help-ticket items submitted were promptly resolved in a professional manner. We were ready to start some business and everything was going great. […] Continue reading »

Head Meta Data

Head Meta Data (previously known as Head MetaData Plus) adds a complete set of <meta /> tags to the <head></head> section of all posts and pages on your site. Including meta information about your site is a great way to refine definition, enhance branding, and improve the semantic quality of your pages. Continue reading »

Stylish Deleted Text

Fashion stylish deleted text in XHTML via the über obscure del tag. Code example: <del datetime="1999-Dec-31T23:59:59+00:00" title="Text deleted: 31-Dec-1999 @ 23:59"> Terminate me. </del> Live example: Terminate me. Continue reading »

Title Attributes for WordPress Post Navigation

Improve accessibility by adding title attributes to your WordPress userspace. Note: This article applies specifically to WordPress 2.0.2, but may be generalized to any WP 2.0+ version. By default, WordPress navigation links omit the title attributes for both page and post views. Title attributes for links provide additional information that can improve the accessibility of your website. This is especially true when images or text symbols exclusively are used for navigation. To add title attributes to WordPress page-view links (e.g., […] Continue reading »

Upgrading Tag Functionality

Before today, the extent of my concern with tags involved local post tags via UTW and meta keywords via Autometa. Wanting to dive deeper into tagging, I added metadata Technorati tag links as icons appearing after each local tag link, generally located within post meta information. Adding the icon links is easy. Go to the UTW Options panel and in the “Global Formatting Settings” section, select the Technorati Tag. Then simply add the following (or something similar) to your index.php […] Continue reading »

Permalink Enlightenment

I recently enabled the permalinks feature for a fresh WordPress 2.0.2 upgrade. The process required several hours of research and approximately 90 minutes to fully implement. This brief article summarizes the process and applies to the following setup: Continue reading »

Obscure XHTML Tags

Well, maybe not that obscure.. <pre> — Preformatted character data <em> — Renders as emphasized text <strong> — Renders as strong emphasized text <tt> — Renders font as teletype or monospace <dfn> — Defines a definition term <code> — Defines computer code text <samp> — Defines sample computer code <kbd> — Defines keyboard text <var> — Defines a variable <cite> — Defines a citation <strike> — XHTML Transitional only <del> — Indicates deleted text <ins> — Indicates inserted text <dl> […] Continue reading »

About the Robots.txt File

About the Robots Exclusion Standard: The robots exclusion standard or robots.txt protocol is a convention to prevent cooperating web spiders and other web robots from accessing all or part of a website. The information specifying the parts that should not be accessed is specified in a file called robots.txt in the top-level directory of the website. Notes on the robots.txt Rules: Rules of specificity apply, not inheritance. Always include a blank line between rules. Note also that not all robots […] Continue reading »

HTTP Error Codes

A list of HTTP Error codes and corresponding definitions: Informational Codes 100 — Continue 101 — Switching Protocols Successful Client Requests 200 — OK 201 — Created 202 — Accepted 203 — Non-Authoritative Information 204 — No Content 205 — Reset Content 206 — Partial Content Client Request Redirected 300 — Multiple Choices 301 — Moved Permanently 302 — Moved Temporarily 303 — See Other 304 — Not Modified 305 — Use Proxy 307 — Temporary Redirect Client Request Errors […] Continue reading »

PayPal Sucks

Update: The following rant was written almost 20 years ago. Since then, PayPal has improved in some areas, not so much in others. Currently I am using PayPal to accept online payments and donations. This post remains online for historical purposes only, take it with a grain of salt. PayPal is too automated. The phone service is automated, slow, and worthless. Plus, the number for help is not toll-free — I had to pay for PayPal’s auto-garbage phone system. Plus, […] Continue reading »

Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
GA Pro: Add Google Analytics to WordPress like a pro.
Finishing up the pro version of Head Meta Data plugin, launch planned this month.
Finally finished my ultimate block list to stop AI bots :) Blocks over 100 AI bots!
After 10 years working late at night, my schedule has changed. I am now a “morning person”, starting my day at 6am or earlier.
Nice update for Wutsearch search engine launchpad. Now with 19 engines including Luxxle AI-powered search.
New version of 8G Firewall (v1.4) now available for download :)
Wishing everyone a prosperous and bright New Year!
I disabled AI in Google search results. It was making me lazy.
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