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Web Dev + WordPress + Security
Author: Jeff Starr
956 Posts
Jeff Starr is a web developer, author, and teacher specializing in web security and building awesome things with WordPress. His favorite online projects include Plugin Planet,, and Jeff writes books, runs his own business, writes about web development, and makes video tutorials at More »

AddMySite Plugin for WordPress

The AddMySite (AMS) plugin for WordPress makes it easy for your visitors to add your site and feed to all of their favorite social-bookmarking services. Share instantly with awesome sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Twitter. With a few clicks, users can quickly bookmark or add your site to over 20 popular social bookmarking services. It’s like a dream come true for simple social-media sharing. Simple, fast, and easy :) Continue reading »

Theme Edits for IE7

This post is a working repository of code edits and other changes made to Perishable Press themes in order for them to function properly in Internet Explorer 7 (IE7). If supporting older versions of IE is your thang. Continue reading »

Exploring the (X)HTML Link Element

Most Web authors are familiar with the <link /> element included within the <head></head> element of many (X)HTML documents. The <link /> element enables authors to associate external resources to the (X)HTML document. <link /> element references include various types of metadata, navigation, and styling information. This brief post provides examples of these and other important uses of the (X)HTML <link /> element. Continue reading »

Happy Halloween

Just a quick post to wish all Perishable Press readers a Happy Halloween! :) Continue reading »

Extreme Makeover for Gravatars in WordPress

Gravatars have become a popular way of adding spice to the “comments” page of many WordPress-powered sites. So popular, in fact, that the gravatar server is often overloaded, bogged down with millions of gravatar requests every second. This immense server load effects user pages everywhere, resulting in slow loading times, unresolved server requests, and missing gravatars. Such broken presentations appear unprofessional, tarnish reputations, and may provoke confusion. This article provides essential solutions for an extreme gravatar makeover.. Continue reading »

Epson Slide Scanning

The Epson Perfection 1260 Scanner is equipped with an external lamp adapter that enables the scanning of slides. To use this feature via Photoshop, follow this procedure: Continue reading »

Compressed CSS Compression

In this article, we discuss two practical methods for compressing CSS documents with PHP and/or .htaccess. See also: Compress CSS and JavaScript with PHP at WP-Mix. Continue reading »

Contact Perishable via Comment

If you have question, comment, or concern, and prefer to leave a comment rather than send an email, please drop a comment via the form below. I keep a close eye on all comments left on this post, and will do my best to respond in as soon as possible. Please note that all comments left at this post are open to the public and available for anyone to see. If you would like to contact me privately, you may […] Continue reading »

W3C Validation Services

Here are the validation services currently provided by the W3C, as listed at W3C Quality Tips for Webmasters. Continue reading »

Delete Unwanted Context Menu Items in WinXP

Within the right-click context menu is the option to create "New" file items. While the list of available documents within the "New" submenu often contains several useful file types, such as .txt or .zip, it also contains lots of unnecessary entries. So let’s delete any unwanted context menu items in WinXP.. Continue reading »

Folder Background Images in WinXP

This brief tutorial explains how to add a background image to any folder in Windows XP. Really enables you to customize your workflow and experience using WinXP. Estimated time to completion: around 5 minutes (it’s easy). Continue reading »

Basic DOS Commands

DOS (Disk Operation System) is a tool which allows you to control the operation of the IBM PC. DOS is software which was written to control hardware. Here is a summary of some essential DOS commands. Continue reading »

One Link to Open Them All

Welcome to Perishable Press! This article explains several methods for opening multiple frames with a single link. For more excellent HTML information, check out the HTML category archive. If you like what you see, I encourage you to subscribe to Perishable Press for a periodic dose of online enlightenment ;) Continue reading »

Perishable Press Search Engine Optimization Library

Welcome to Perishable Press! This article covers a plethora of search-engine optimization resources. For more excellent SEO information, check out the Optimization archive. If you like what you see, I encourage you to subscribe to Perishable Press for a periodic dose of online enlightenment ;) Continue reading »

Roll Your Own SEO Log

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the business of every serious webmaster. The process of optimizing a website for the search engines involves much more than properly constructed document headers and anchor tags. Websites are like trees: their roots are the growing collection of content presented through the branching universe of the World Wide Web. Or something. The point is that optimizing a website requires nurturing the site itself while also ensuring proper exposure to the requisite elements of the internet. Continue reading »

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Formats

There are currently three formats for expressing date/time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). All examples represent the date, July 04, 2050. The time for all three formats is expressed as hour:minutes:seconds. Continue reading »

Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
USP Pro: Unlimited front-end forms for user-submitted posts and more.
Finishing up the pro version of Head Meta Data plugin, launch planned this month.
Finally finished my ultimate block list to stop AI bots :) Blocks over 100 AI bots!
After 10 years working late at night, my schedule has changed. I am now a “morning person”, starting my day at 6am or earlier.
Nice update for Wutsearch search engine launchpad. Now with 19 engines including Luxxle AI-powered search.
New version of 8G Firewall (v1.4) now available for download :)
Wishing everyone a prosperous and bright New Year!
I disabled AI in Google search results. It was making me lazy.
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