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Web Dev + WordPress + Security

One Year Anniversary

Perishable Press recently celebrated its one-year anniversary! Well, okay, so nobody really celebrated anything, but we did take note as our first anniversary both came and went. Yeah, …uh, actually, no one is even quite sure of the actual anniversary date. But we do know it has been a little over one year since we began all of this time-consuming nonsense.. –Whatever!!


Perishable Press went online sometime during September of 2005. The first dozen or so posts were strictly for blog development purposes, and much development has continued since that time. Everything from upgrading WordPress (we started with 1.5), designing themes (thirteen to date), and coding plugins (four to date) has kept us very busy over the course of the past year.

Digital design

We have spent more time on this website than on any other online project — ever! Granted, most of the work that went into establishing as an online resource for digital design went into exploring the many different aspects of web design and development: PHP, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, (X)HTML, htaccess, writing, graphics, servers, browsers, usability, optimization, validation, standardization, protection, archiving, debugging, designing, tweaking, linking, posting, learning, typing, and everything else involved with a thoroughly executed and well-maintained online reference. And now, one year later, we finally have obtained a sense of completion, of accomplishment, in building something useful that will endure for at least a few years to come..

Here’s to the future

So then we shall choose this day, November 8th, as the official anniversary date for The first year has been all about opening the doors of the World Wide Web and diving into the exciting world of online virtual existence — installing and tweaking and designing and building and writing and and and! Thus, now that we are well-equipped and fully functional, perhaps the coming year will see a greater focus on improving and enhancing content, spooning inspiring news, and writing informative, useful articles.

So, until this time next year..

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
.htaccess made easy: Improve site performance and security.
Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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