Plugin updates Fall 2020
Got all of my free WordPress plugins updated for imminent WP 5.6 in early December. Pro plugin updates currently in the works.
Got all of my free WordPress plugins updated for imminent WP 5.6 in early December. Pro plugin updates currently in the works.
7G Firewall now integrated into BBQ Firewall (free version). Pro version soon ;)
macOS Big Sur update complete. So far no crazy issues. Except TextEdit, which is completely screwed up and unusable. Replaced with free BBEdit.
Got so sick of macOS’ annoying “red dot” that I had to remove System Prefs from the dock. Come on Apple you can do better.
Beginning development of an Nginx version of 7G Firewall.
Happy Birthday to Perishable Press, celebrating 15 years online! :)
Hide in the basement and hope for the best.
Part of my success is from being able to look ahead down the road and see things coming before they actually get here.
Spent some time refreshing my business portfolio at :)
Tried lots of apps for making animated GIFs from screen captures, so far Kap is my favorite. For example the GIF on this post.
Autumn is my favorite time of year.
Stoked! Had a great interview with Eric over at :)
Air finally clearing here in WA. Feeling grateful to breathe again. #oxygenmatters
Past week here in WA state has been hellish. So much smoke, like living in a chimney.
Now in September, I’m where I wanted to be in March.
Spent some time updating my article on unsafe characters, once again current with latest IETF specification.