Big phones suck
I would pay twice as much for a shorter/smaller/lighter phone.
I would pay twice as much for a shorter/smaller/lighter phone.
Taking a much needed break in August :)
The Web was better before social media.
WP 5.8 Gutenberg/Block Widgets is breaking many sites. Fortunately Disable Gutenberg makes it easy to restore Classic Widgets with a click.
Easily the most common exploit scan for WordPress is /{path}/wp-login.php
Pushing 110+ ℉ for several days now, expected for at least another week or so.
After 12 intense weeks the Plugin Planet redesign is now live. Much work still happening behind the scenes.
June, July, August historically are slow months on the Web. Perfect time to get some real work done (think projects).
Redesigning Plugin Planet is one the most challenging things I’ve done online. Almost there, about another two weeks ’til launch.
I could listen to Mouse Rat all day.
Thanks Apple for pushing out your massive 3 GB macOS updates because GarageBand. Oh, and Podcasts.
Weird bug with Affinity Designer. If images are opening upside down, click View ▸ Reset Rotation and problem solved.
Had a good laugh today when I saw this in a support email: “In observance of Arbor Day our team will be out of the office on Friday, April 30th.” Lol Arbor Day.
Just spent a few minutes scrolling thru FB, almost every ad was pushing the va×.
On macOS when an app won’t hide, you can force it by holding the ⌥ (option) key and clicking anywhere on the desktop.
Currently having a blast redesigning Plugin Planet, so much work so little time.