WordPress top-level domain
TLD plz :)
TLD plz :)
Nice collection of free SEO APIs and user-agent lookups for Googlebot, Bingbot, Applebot, YandexBot, and more.
90% of online customer support is just explaining how to do basic troubleshooting.
7G Firewall version 1.6 now available!
DIY: Monitor File Changes via Cron working perfectly for over a decade.
Mastodon social is a trip. Glad I found it.
As a strict rule, I never use cache plugins on any of my sites. They cause more problems than they solve, imho. Just not worth it.
Currently on a posting spree :)
6 must come before 7.
My top three favorite-to-write coding languages: CSS, PHP, JavaScript.
If you’re not 100% sure that you can trust something, you can’t.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays & much success in 2023.
Need beta testers for Blackhole’s new cache-compatibility mode. Drop a line if able to help test, thank you :)
AI is creating problems that only AI can solve. #deepthoughts
I try to make use of default functionality whenever possible. For everything.
Upgraded iMac to Ventura. Disabled “unsend mail” feature and found some (now) hidden wallpaper settings. Overall smooth upgrade.