WordPress Admin framework
This new Admin Page Framework looks very good. Bookmarked for future use.
This new Admin Page Framework looks very good. Bookmarked for future use.
Two great places to find awesome plugins: pluginsearch.com and WP’s browse new.
2 things I hate to see in stylesheets: _
and #
Love VLC media player but it fails miserably when it comes to randomizing large collections of mp3 and other files.
Dashlane redesigned, stating proudly they “removed all filigree”. Should have kept it; the app now looks generic and boring. Killed your identity.
Working on integration for setaPDF + EDD on the new books subdomain. Good times.
Toggle visibility of hidden files on Mac: Cmd + Shift + .
Great tool for checking browser caching for web pages and all included files.
Now working on the books subdomain for Perishable Press.
The new minimalist design styled by 14KB of CSS (uncompressed and un-minified). That covers 850+ posts and pages spanning 15 years of diverse content.
Amazing (and sad) to think that, in the year 2020, Internet Explorer still doesn’t support the placeholder
attribute, which is supported by all other major browsers.
Finishing up with the latest redesign for Perishable Press! Should be live this week or early next.
It’s almost like Feedburner was purchased and left to die on purpose. RSS feeds are a direct competitor to Big Search.
Finally fixed the inconsistent/broken downloads for .zip files. Just feels good.
Love the latest design for Chris Shiflett’s shiflett.org. Very inspiring in its simplicity and clean visual aesthetic.
Gonna be posting a lot of content this year. I have tons of stuff that I want to share.