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Spanish Version of Contact Coldform Released

Great news! Contact Coldform is now available in Spanish (Spain). Special thanks to Fernando Tellado of Ayuda WordPress for his superb Spanish translation of the Coldform. Fernando has articulately translated both the administration panel and all of the (X)HTML/text output as well. Contact Coldform is now the perfect solution for Spanish users of WordPress who desire a super-clean, standards-based contact form. Thanks Fernando! :)

For more information about the Spanish translation, check out Fernando’s post, Plugin Contact Coldform en Español. There you may obtain more information and also download the Spanish (Spain) version of Contact Coldform. You may also download the Spanish version via the Coldform home page.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Security Specialist. WordPress Buff.
Banhammer: Protect your WordPress site against threats.

6 responses to “Spanish Version of Contact Coldform Released”

  1. Thank you for this great piece of software that make more easy the use of WordPress for all ;)

  2. Perishable 2008/06/23 2:35 pm

    My pleasure, Fernando — glad to be of service! A huge thanks as well to you and everyone else who takes the time to help make WordPress one of the greatest open-source communities. Cheers! :)

  3. Alejandro Urrutia Daglio 2008/07/08 11:33 pm

    Is there a way to implement a .mo and .po system to your plugin?

    Thanks Perishable for this plugin, and to fernando for translating it.


  4. Perishable 2008/07/09 6:47 am

    Hi Alejandro, yes there is a way to implement .mo and .po functionality for just about any plugin, however the current version of the Coldform does not include such method by default. With the growing popularity of the plugin, however, I will certainly look into implementing it for the next release. In the meantime, thanks for using the Coldform! :)

  5. Alejandro Urrutia Daglio 2008/07/09 7:54 am

    Thanks a lot Perishable, I would like to translate it, so count with me to do it.

    It’s a pleasure to use this great plugin.

  6. There is a new version of Contact Coldform available for download. The plugin has been updated to work properly with WordPress version 2.8.1. To download the plugin, hit the download link on the Coldform Homepage (you will see the new version number listed beneath the download link, 0.88.1). Note: translated versions of the plugin also have been updated and are available for download beneath the main download link. Thanks :)

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