Series Summary: Minimalist Web Design Showcase
Here at Perishable Press, I love to write about minimalism, simplicity, and usability in user-interface and web design. I have always enjoyed the minimalist aesthetic, as my Perishable Theme plainly illustrates. Fortunately, many designers and developers have embraced the minimalist concept, and continue to produce and promote minimalist design principles in their designs. As often as my schedule allows, I like to take the time to explore and share some of my favorite minimalist designs, and so far have managed to post the following in-depth reviews:
- Minimalist Web Design Showcase:
- Minimalist Web Design Showcase: Equivocality
- Even more examples of minimalist design
These minimalist site reviews examine the structure, functionality, and appearance of sites that utilize simplicity and elegance in their design. These articles also feature “mini” interviews with the site’s designer/owner, and provide good insight into the thought and purpose of their respective designs. I invite you to explore the growing collection of my “Minimalist Web Design Showcase” series, and look forward to hearing your feedback concerning the various ideas and methods covered in the material.
And, as always, if you have yet to Perishable Press, please do so for upcoming minimalist reviews and other Web design goodness.

2 responses to “Series Summary: Minimalist Web Design Showcase”
Mine is most minimal. No CSS, comments, images, “pages”, tags. No wptexturize malarkey. Site:
Yeah, I’ll say! That’s about as simple as it gets, jidanni. Nice work! :)