WordPress Plugin: Prismatic
![[ Prismatic ]](https://perishablepress.com/wp/wp-content/images/2016/prismatic.png)
I’ve been using other plugins to display my code at Perishable Press, Plugin Planet, DigWP, and WP-Mix for years now. The other plugins have done the job, but there are things that I’ve always wanted to change. For example, syntax highlighting. I use syntax highlighting for code snippets at WP-Mix, but not on any of my other sites. So I wanted to combine clean, time-tested code escaping with stylish syntax highlighting. After sharing well over 1,000 code snippets online, I figure it’s finally time to make it happen..
Announcing Prismatic — a plugin that cleanly escapes code snippets and applies syntax-highlighting using either Prism.js or Highlight.js.
Choose your library
Display beautiful code snippets with Prism.js, Highlight.js, or plain code escaping:
- Prism.js – Code escape + syntax highlight using Prism.js
- Highlight.js – Code escape + syntax highlight using Highlight.js
- Plain Flavor – Code escape without syntax highlight (for custom styles)
Prism.js Features
Prismatic brings the following features when Prism.js is enabled:
- Supports over 30 coding languages
- Choose from all 7 available Prism themes
- Enable Prism plugin Line Numbers
- Enable Prism plugin Line Highlight
- Enable Prism plugin Show Language
- Highlights code in post content, excerpts, and comments
- Detects
class prefixes - Limit syntax highlighting to Posts and Pages
- Highlight single-line and multi-line code
- Granular control over code escaping
- Smart loading of CSS & JS assets
Highlight.js Features
Prismatic brings the following features when Highlight.js is enabled:
- Supports 23 coding languages
- Choose from all 77 available Highlight themes
- Customize the Highlight.js init JavaScript
- Highlights code in post content, excerpts, and comments
- Limit syntax highlighting to Posts and Pages
- Highlight multi-line blocks of code
- Detects
class prefixes - Enable support for no-prefix class names
- Granular control over code escaping
- Smart loading of CSS & JS assets
Code Escaping
Prismatic brings the following features when using the “Plain Flavor” option (for code escaping without syntax highlighting):
- Enable code escaping for post content, excerpts, and/or comments
- Enable code escaping on the frontend, Admin Area, or both
- Escapes single-line and multi-line code snippets
Prismatic also provides these same code-escape options when using Prism.js or Highlight.js. You get clean, beautiful code with or without syntax highlighting, it’s completely up to you :)
Here is a screenshot of Prismatic in action:
![[ Prismatic Syntax Highlighting ]](https://perishablepress.com/wp/wp-content/images/2016/prismatic-code.jpg)
Prismatic – Choose from over 80 syntax-highlight themes
You can check out more screenshots at the WP Plugin Directory. And check out a live site that is using Prismatic (scroll down to code samples).
Get Prismatic
Prismatic is designed for optimal performance: it only loads required CSS and JavaScript when there are code snippets on the page. Prismatic is flexible: you choose the best library, theme, and features for your site. Likewise with code escaping: you choose when and where to escape your code snippets on the front-end and in the Admin Area. Prismatic is secure: built with the WP API and solid PHP functionality.

One response to “WordPress Plugin: Prismatic”
Prismatic looks stellar! We have started to use it as a dev tool on a few sites and digging it so far. I can’t say it will replace anything so far, but I do like that it only loads the essentials. It also appears to be coded beautifully and securely.