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Country, Regional, and State Abbreviations

Creating dropdown menus for web forms is such a fun way to spend the afternoon. One of the funnest things for me is adding all of the regional, state, and country codes when they’re required. Here are a few lists to make my web-dev life a little easier.

Here’s a quick jump menu:

Country and Regional Abbreviations

  • US | United States
  • AF | Afghanistan
  • AL | Albania
  • DZ | Algeria
  • AS | American Samoa
  • AD | Andorra
  • AO | Angola
  • AI | Anguilla
  • AQ | Antarctica
  • AG | Antigua and Barbuda
  • AR | Argentina
  • AM | Armenia
  • AW | Aruba
  • AU | Australia
  • AT | Austria
  • AZ | Azerbaijan
  • BS | Bahamas
  • BH | Bahrain
  • BD | Bangladesh
  • BB | Barbados
  • BY | Belarus
  • BE | Belgium
  • BZ | Belize
  • BJ | Benin
  • BM | Bermuda
  • BT | Bhutan
  • BO | Bolivia
  • BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • BW | Botswana
  • BV | Bouvet Island
  • BR | Brazil
  • IO | British Indian Ocean Territory
  • BN | Brunei
  • BG | Bulgaria
  • BF | Burkina Faso
  • BI | Burundi
  • KH | Cambodia
  • CM | Cameroon
  • CA | Canada
  • CV | Cape Verde
  • KY | Cayman Islands
  • CF | Central African Republic
  • TD | Chad
  • CL | Chile
  • CN | China
  • CX | Christmas Island
  • CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • CO | Colombia
  • KM | Comoros
  • CH | Confederatio Helvetica (Switzerland)
  • CG | Congo
  • CK | Cook Islands
  • CR | Costa Rica
  • CI | Côte d'Ivoire
  • HR | Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • CU | Cuba
  • CY | Cyprus
  • CZ | Czech Republic
  • CD | Congo (DRC)
  • DK | Denmark
  • DJ | Djibouti
  • DM | Dominica
  • DO | Dominican Republic
  • TP | East Timor
  • EC | Ecuador
  • EG | Egypt
  • SV | El Salvador
  • GQ | Equatorial Guinea
  • ER | Eritrea
  • EE | Estonia
  • ET | Ethiopia
  • FK | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
  • FO | Faroe Islands
  • FJ | Fiji Islands
  • FI | Finland
  • FR | France
  • GF | French Guiana
  • PF | French Polynesia
  • TF | French Southern and Antarctic Lands
  • GA | Gabon
  • GM | Gambia
  • GE | Georgia
  • DE | Germany
  • GH | Ghana
  • GI | Gibraltar
  • GR | Greece
  • GL | Greenland
  • GD | Grenada
  • GP | Guadeloupe
  • GU | Guam
  • GT | Guatemala
  • GN | Guinea
  • GW | Guinea-Bissau
  • GY | Guyana
  • HT | Haiti
  • HM | Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • HN | Honduras
  • HK | Hong Kong SAR
  • HU | Hungary
  • IS | Iceland
  • IN | India
  • ID | Indonesia
  • IR | Iran
  • IQ | Iraq
  • IE | Ireland
  • IL | Israel
  • IT | Italy
  • JM | Jamaica
  • JP | Japan
  • JO | Jordan
  • KZ | Kazakhstan
  • KE | Kenya
  • KI | Kiribati
  • KR | Korea
  • KW | Kuwait
  • KG | Kyrgyzstan
  • LA | Laos
  • LV | Latvia
  • LB | Lebanon
  • LS | Lesotho
  • LR | Liberia
  • LY | Libya
  • LI | Liechtenstein
  • LT | Lithuania
  • LU | Luxembourg
  • MO | Macao SAR
  • MK | Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
  • MG | Madagascar
  • MW | Malawi
  • MY | Malaysia
  • MV | Maldives
  • ML | Mali
  • MT | Malta
  • MH | Marshall Islands
  • MQ | Martinique
  • MR | Mauritania
  • MU | Mauritius
  • YT | Mayotte
  • MX | Mexico
  • FM | Micronesia
  • MD | Moldova
  • MC | Monaco
  • MN | Mongolia
  • MS | Montserrat
  • MA | Morocco
  • MZ | Mozambique
  • MM | Myanmar
  • NA | Namibia
  • NR | Nauru
  • NP | Nepal
  • NL | Netherlands
  • AN | Netherlands Antilles
  • NC | New Caledonia
  • NZ | New Zealand
  • NI | Nicaragua
  • NE | Niger
  • NG | Nigeria
  • NU | Niue
  • NF | Norfolk Island
  • KP | North Korea
  • MP | Northern Mariana Islands
  • NO | Norway
  • OM | Oman
  • PK | Pakistan
  • PW | Palau
  • PA | Panama
  • PG | Papua New Guinea
  • PY | Paraguay
  • PE | Peru
  • PH | Philippines
  • PN | Pitcairn Islands
  • PL | Poland
  • PT | Portugal
  • PR | Puerto Rico
  • QA | Qatar
  • RE | Reunion
  • RO | Romania
  • RU | Russia
  • RW | Rwanda
  • WS | Samoa
  • SM | San Marino
  • ST | São Tomé and Príncipe
  • SA | Saudi Arabia
  • SN | Senegal
  • YU | Serbia and Montenegro
  • SC | Seychelles
  • SL | Sierra Leone
  • SG | Singapore
  • SK | Slovakia
  • SI | Slovenia
  • SB | Solomon Islands
  • SO | Somalia
  • ZA | South Africa
  • GS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • ES | Spain
  • LK | Sri Lanka
  • SH | St. Helena
  • KN | St. Kitts and Nevis
  • LC | St. Lucia
  • PM | St. Pierre and Miquelon
  • VC | St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • SD | Sudan
  • SR | Suriname
  • SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • SZ | Swaziland
  • SE | Sweden
  • CH | Switzerland
  • SY | Syria
  • TW | Taiwan
  • TJ | Tajikistan
  • TZ | Tanzania
  • TH | Thailand
  • TG | Togo
  • TK | Tokelau
  • TO | Tonga
  • TT | Trinidad and Tobago
  • TN | Tunisia
  • TR | Turkey
  • TM | Turkmenistan
  • TC | Turks and Caicos Islands
  • TV | Tuvalu
  • UG | Uganda
  • UA | Ukraine
  • AE | United Arab Emirates
  • UK | United Kingdom
  • US | United States
  • UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • UY | Uruguay
  • UZ | Uzbekistan
  • VU | Vanuatu
  • VA | Vatican City
  • VE | Venezuela
  • VN | Viet Nam
  • VG | Virgin Islands (British)
  • VI | Virgin Islands
  • WF | Wallis and Futuna
  • YE | Yemen
  • ZM | Zambia
  • ZW | Zimbabwe

US State Abbreviations

  • AL | Alabama
  • AK | Alaska
  • AS | American Samoa
  • AZ | Arizona
  • AR | Arkansas
  • CA | California
  • CO | Colorado
  • CT | Connecticut
  • DE | Delaware
  • DC | District of Columbia
  • FM | Federated States of Micronesia
  • FL | Florida
  • GA | Georgia
  • GU | Guam
  • HI | Hawaii
  • ID | Idaho
  • IL | Illinois
  • IN | Indiana
  • IA | Iowa
  • KS | Kansas
  • KY | Kentucky
  • LA | Louisiana
  • ME | Maine
  • MH | Marshall Islands
  • MD | Maryland
  • MA | Massachusetts
  • MI | Michigan
  • MN | Minnesota
  • MS | Mississippi
  • MO | Missouri
  • MT | Montana
  • NE | Nebraska
  • NV | Nevada
  • NH | New Hampshire
  • NJ | New Jersey
  • NM | New Mexico
  • NY | New York
  • NC | North Carolina
  • ND | North Dakota
  • MP | Northern Mariana Islands
  • OH | Ohio
  • OK | Oklahoma
  • OR | Oregon
  • PW | Palau
  • PA | Pennsylvania
  • PR | Puerto Rico
  • RI | Rhode Island
  • SC | South Carolina
  • SD | South Dakota
  • TN | Tennessee
  • TX | Texas
  • UT | Utah
  • VT | Vermont
  • VI | Virgin Islands
  • VA | Virginia
  • WA | Washington
  • WV | West Virginia
  • WI | Wisconsin
  • WY | Wyoming

US States

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Armed Forces Asia
  • Armed Forces Europe
  • Armed Forces Pacific
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Let me know what I missed by leaving a comment or sending an email via my contact form. Thanks! :)

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
USP Pro: Unlimited front-end forms for user-submitted posts and more.

2 responses to “Country, Regional, and State Abbreviations”

  1. Aziz Light 2010/09/24 12:53 am

    You should check out this:

    It’s basically the same, ordered in php arrays. There is also some “generator” class that let you generate arrays for you.

  2. Jeff Starr 2010/09/24 9:50 am

    Nice! Thanks :)

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