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Web Dev + WordPress + Security
Category: Media
187 posts

How to Ask for Help and Get It

I see so many technical (and other) questions in forums and social media that go unanswered. Not due to lack of trying, but due to lack of understanding. People posting questions like this (an actual post in a popular PHP group on FB): Continue reading »

How to Disable Chrome Scroll to Text Fragment

It is debatable whether or not Chrome’s new scrolltotextfragment feature is a significant security concern. When in doubt, play it safe. This quick post explains how to disable (or enable) Chrome’s scroll-to-text-fragment functionality. Continue reading »

Why Facebook is Not Worth It

Recently I found myself listening to someone who was trying to convince me that I should be doing more on Facebook. For reasons like attracting new customers and making more money. It was pretty sad listening to the spiel, but I do care about people and their opinions, even when they are wrong. Continue reading »

How to Disable WordPress Automatically Generated Images – Complete Guide

As you may know, WordPress creates numerous copies of all images uploaded via the WP Media Library. These additional images are generated in various sizes, depending on your settings and other factors. This may be totally fine in general, but if you are working with lots of images on your site, the extra files can really eat up your disk space. This can be wasteful, specially if your site does not make use of all the extra images. So to […] Continue reading »

PHP Code Not Displayed in Browser

Recently a reader sent in a bug report about this post on bbPress. For some reason the PHP code snippets were not displaying properly in the browser. Basically, instead of looking neat and tidy as always, the code looked like a garbled mess of spaced-out nonsense. And by “spaced out” I don’t mean in a good way: there was literally like 100px of vertical space breaking up the jumbled lines of code. It was definitely a mess, so I began […] Continue reading »

When, Where, and How to Ask for Help: The Three Golden Rules

When working online or offline in the real world, it’s inevitable that you will encounter issues and problems with products, services, and everything else. This quick post explains when, where, and how to ask for help: The Three Golden Rules. It’s a general guide, aimed at those who may be unfamiliar. Continue reading »

Facebook Endless Scroll Not Working

For the past several days, I’ve noticed that “endless” scrolling or “infinite” scrolling is not working on Facebook. Just want to ask any other FB users if you are experiencing the same thing. Continue reading »

ALL Security is Security Thru Obscurity

obĀ·scure adjective 1. not discovered or known about; uncertain. In the purely literal sense, the concept of obscurity applies to every transaction on the Web. The HTTP request knows not, nor could possibly know, the actual response it will receive from the server. There is only expected response. Online nothing is certain until it is. Continue reading »

Avoid Blasty for DMCA Takedowns

Blasty is a paid online service that sends DMCA takedown notices to infringing websites on your behalf. As the author of several books, I paid for one year of the service in March of 2018 to help combat rampant piracy. And for several months the service worked great. I enjoyed receiving the periodic email reports letting me know of successful takedowns. And I could log into my account and check out specific takedowns, view reports, and find all sorts of […] Continue reading »

How to Download Entire Websites on Mac

Concept One These days in this crazy world it makes sense to archive locally any critical online data. That way when the Internet is not working (for whatever reason), you still have access to your important infos and data. For those who are listening and interested in being prepared, here is the quickest, easiest way that I have been able to find to archive complete offline copies of websites to your Mac (or iOS). It makes use of a free […] Continue reading »

Facebook Not Letting Users Delete Their Own Comments

Here is video proof that Facebook is not letting people delete their own comments. The video shows me trying to delete two different comments, using three different browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. Watch the video and see for yourself. It’s been like this for at least several days now (not sure when it started). Very frustrating! Continue reading »

CLI Forward-Reverse Lookup

In previous posts, I’ve explained how to verify identity of search engines and other bots, by looking up the host name and then doing a reverse lookup to cross-check the IP address. This is often referred to as a forward-reverse lookup, or something to that effect. The point is, there are plenty of free online tools available for performing forward-reverse IP/host lookups. And online tools are great, but it’s also possible to do forward/reverse lookups directly via the command line, […] Continue reading »

Twitter Login Verification Bug

A few days ago, I was unable to log in to my Perishable Twitter account. My login credentials simply did not work. I’ve been successfully logging into Twitter since 2007 with no problems. So it was surprising at first, and then I figured it was some sort of weird Twitter bug. So I began investigating and recording the events/details in this post.. Continue reading »

1password vs. Dashlane

I was a 1password user for years. Thought it was great, everything I needed without not too much bloat, ads, etc. Then one day 1password locked everyone out. As in can’t log in with the master password. So no access to any passwords, notes or anything. Business shut down. Thought I was hacked. Not a good feeling. Immediately after shooting an emergency email to 1password support, I began looking for a good replacement for 1password. Not even gonna wait 10 […] Continue reading »

Wireless Camera Notes

Momentum Cam Over the years, I’ve gone through quite a few wireless wi-fi security cameras. Not because I am a gadget/new-tech junkie, but because all of the cameras I have tried so far work for awhile and then stop working, or never work properly in the first place. So in an effort to not repeat myself while maybe helping others who are looking for information, here is a post that I am dedicating to wi-fi camera notes. This includes things […] Continue reading »

Trying Different Email Clients for Mac

As a professional web developer slash book author, I spend a LOT of time with email. Recently, I discovered that my email client does not provide some of the functionality that I require. So I set out on a mission to find something that works. Something better. Continue reading »

Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
WP Themes In Depth: Build and sell awesome WordPress themes.
Wishing everyone a prosperous and bright New Year!
I disabled AI in Google search results. It was making me lazy.
Went out walking today and soaked up some sunshine. It felt good.
I have an original box/packaging for 2010 iMac if anyone wants it free let me know.
Always ask AI to cite its sources. Also: “The Web” is not a valid answer.
All free plugins updated and ready for WP 6.6 dropping next week. Pro plugin updates in the works also complete :)
99% of video thumbnail/previews are pure cringe. Goofy faces = Clickbait.
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