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Amazing Keyboard Shortcuts

Well, they aren’t really that amazing, but for Windows and Linux users, they sure save time.

  • Ctrl+A: select all
  • Ctrl+C: copy
  • Ctrl+F: find
  • Ctrl+G: find again or find next
  • Ctrl+P: print
  • Ctrl+S: save web page as
  • Ctrl+T: open new tab
  • Ctrl+U: view source code
  • Ctrl+V: paste
  • Ctrl+X: cut
  • Ctrl+Y: redo
  • Ctrl+Z: undo
  • Alt+Tab: cycle through open programs
  • Ctrl+Page Up: navigate forward through open tabs
  • Ctrl+Page Down: navigate backward through open tabs
  • Esc: stops the current tab’s web page from loading
  • Ctrl+Shift+R: total refresh of the current web page — clears out the cache
  • Ctrl+- and Ctrl++: adjust font size — use Ctrl+0 to reset to original size
  • Ctrl+middle click / middle click: opens link in a new background tab

More keyboard shortcuts

  • Open new window: Ctrl + N
  • Open new tab: Ctrl + T
  • Close window: Alt + F4 or Ctrl+W
  • Close tab: Ctrl + F4
  • Switch focus to address bar: Ctrl + L
  • Open link: Enter
  • Open link in new window: Shift + Enter
  • Open link in new tab: Ctrl + Enter
  • Go back: Backspace / Alt + Left Arrow
  • Go forward: Shift + Backspace / Alt + Right Arrow
  • Reload: Ctrl + R or F5
  • Go to home page: Alt + Home
  • Go to next tab: Ctrl + Tab
  • Go to previous tab: Ctrl + Shift + Tab
  • Find in this page: Ctrl + F
  • Find again: F3
  • View page source: Ctrl + U
  • Decrease text size: Ctrl + –
  • Increase text side: Ctrl + +
  • Restore text size: Ctrl + 0
  • Save page as: Ctrl + S
  • Save link target as: Alt + Enter
  • Stop: Esc
  • Clear private data: Ctrl + Shift + Delete
  • DOM Inspector: Ctrl + Shift + I
  • Change text size: Ctrl and scroll up/down with mouse wheel
  • Switch tabs: Ctrl + n, where n = a number 1 – 9
  • Close tab: middle click (Windows default)

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
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