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Web Dev + WordPress + Security

18 Years Online

Perishable Press This year, 2022, will be the 18th year that Perishable Press is online. The first year (2004–2005) was mostly behind-the-scenes development and site building. If you do a Whois lookup for the domain name,, you’ll find the creation date is 2004-07-14. I had to look that up myself for this post. It was so long ago.. lol. So once the site went live in 2005, it was off to the races. Fast forward 18 years and here we are, still posting, developing, learning and growing.

There and back again

Perishable Press started as more of a “blog” (as blogs were back then), posting about inspiring things found online, news about my projects, and thoughts about tech stuff. Within a few years of launching, the site began to focus mostly on web design and related topics. From there, it got into WordPress development and site security pretty heavily. Today, the site continues to focus on web dev, WordPress, and site security.

At first, I was blogging all the time, constantly. I was working a full-time job in an unrelated, offline field. I would race home after a tough day at work and blog my heart out. That’s really how the site began. Then as my online work began to take off, I was able to quit my day job and go full-time into web design and development.

I recall being a bit unsure at first, about just up and quitting a full-time job with great benefits. But the more I worked online, the more opportunities (read: work) opened up. So I would blog as much as I could, sharing my work and writing these crazy, in-depth tutorials for which the site quickly became known.

Trying to balance writing posts and developing projects, eventually working on projects consumed most of my time. These days, a majority of my online/work time is spent developing projects and writing code. And I love it. But I also love writing tutorials and blogging about things here at Perishable Press and my other sites.

At some point, I want to dial back on all the “work” projects and free up some real time for writing and posting new content. Like many of you, I’ve learned so much over the years; it’s impossible to write about all of it. Sometimes I feel like, online, life happens faster than it can be absorbed, shared, or even described.

So that’s where things are at after 18 years online.

Dare I say, here’s to another 18..?

Some site stats

Here are some basic statistics about the site (as of today, March 7th, 2022):

  • 907 posts
  • 18 pages
  • 19 categories
  • 9 post authors
  • 4,897 comment authors
  • 429,925 total downloads (includes all themes, plugins, scripts, etc.)

Find more stats in the site dungeon »

Thank you

For everyone who visits, subscribes, shares, links, or donates: Thank you. Your generous attention and support is inspiring and very much appreciated. Perishable Press would not be what it is today without YOU. So again, thank you.

Other birthday/news posts..

Apparently I haven’t written an official “b-day”-type post for every year the site’s been online. Here are the ones I could find (in reverse chronological order):

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
.htaccess made easy: Improve site performance and security.

7 responses to “18 Years Online”

  1. 7G-Firewall installed and works fine since a long time, extendes by some additional php scripts (VPN/Proxy detection, bad Host blacklisting, additional specific logging, automatic blocking of bad IPs by adding to htaccess). Thank you, Jeff.

  2. Congratulations Jeff!

    You’re site was and remains one of the few I have had bookmarked for over a decade!

    Here is to another 18 years.

  3. A huge congratulations Jeff! Here’s to another 18 years indeed! :)

  4. Big Congratulations Jeff!

    Your site and books have been of tremendous help to me over the years.

    Here’s to many more years.

  5. Hey Jeff,
    Best regards and Congratualions!

    Just today I stumbled by again –

  6. Congratulation, I don’t remember if I noticed before, but info about your htaccess rules was included in the Polish book about CMS security “WordPress i Joomla! Zabezpieczanie i ratowanie stron WWW” so you are quite fammus.

  7. kristina ponting 2022/04/14 8:57 am

    Fantasic:) And happy 18:th birthday, I read your blog often and bought BBQ + Blackhole for my two sites, very good and not takes any power from the site:)

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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