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What is My WordPress Feed URL?

[ WordPress RSS Feed ] For future reference, this article covers each of the many ways to access your WordPress-generated feeds1. Several different URL formats are available for the various types of WordPress feeds — posts, comments, and categories — for both permalink and default URL structures. For each example, replace “” with the URL of your blog. Note: even though your blog’s main feed is accessible through many different URLs, there are clear benefits to using a single, consistent feed URL throughout your site. Now let’s find out what is your WordPress feed URL..

WordPress Feed URLs when Permalinks Enabled

If you have permalinks enabled on your site, your main-content (posts) feed is accessible via the following URLs, depending on which feed format you would like to use:

Format URL
RSS 2.0 format
RSS 2.0 format
RSS 0.92 format
RDF/RSS 1.0 format
Atom format

WordPress Feed URLs when Permalinks NOT Enabled

When WordPress permalinks are NOT enabled, your main-content (posts) feed is accessible via the following URLs, depending on the desired feed format:

Format URL
RSS 2.0 format
RSS 0.92 format
RDF/RSS 1.0 format
Atom format

Alternately, your main-content (posts) feed is also available at the following query-string URLs, depending on desired format:

Format URL
RSS 2.0 format
RSS 0.92 format
RDF/RSS 1.0 format
Atom format

Display your WordPress Feed URLs

To determine/display the default posts feed URL for your blog’s main content, place any or all of these template tags into a useful location in one of your theme files:

Format Template Tag
RSS 2.0 format <?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>
RSS 0.92 format <?php bloginfo('rss_url'); ?>
RDF/RSS 1.0 format <?php bloginfo('rdf_url'); ?>
Atom format <?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>

WordPress Main Comments Feed

Your blog’s main comments feed is available only in RSS 2.0 format, but there are several URL options from which to choose:

Format URL
Permalink format
Default format
Query-string format

To display the default URL for your main comments feed, add this template tag to your theme file and load the page in your browser:

<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>

Comment Feeds for Single Posts

By default, every post also delivers its own feed featuring all of its comments. To display feed URLs for individual, post-specific comment feeds, place this template tag anywhere in the main post loop or comment loop2:

<?php comments_rss_link('Subscribe to comments on this post via RSS-2.0 feed'); ?>

Alternately, to display the comment feed URL for any specific post, simply append either feed or ?feed=rss2 to the original post URL. For example:

Format URL
Permalink format
Default format
Query-string format*

* Note: In the “Query-string format” example, p=123 refers to the post ID. Thanks to Spamboy for sharing this example.

Category Feeds

URLs for individual category feeds:

Format URL
Permalink format
Non-permalink format

Tag Feeds

URLs for individual tag feeds:

Format URL
Permalink format
Non-permalink format (Not available)

Other Feeds

Of course, additional types of WordPress feeds also may be available. For example, with permalinks enabled, you can append feed to just about any WordPress URL to get the feed. Let’s say that you are viewing the year-based archives, something like:

To get the RSS feed for this archive, just do this:

Likewise for most any archive view, like monthly, daily, search, plus things like custom post types and custom taxonomies, all should provide feeds at the feed endpoint1. Again this works when permalinks are enabled on the site. Your mileage may vary when permalinks are NOT enabled.


About the Author
Jeff Starr = Designer. Developer. Producer. Writer. Editor. Etc.
Digging Into WordPress: Take your WordPress skills to the next level.

55 responses to “What is My WordPress Feed URL?”

  1. It may be nice to mention that you can (and should) disallow search-engine crawlers to index your feed, by adding some nice rules to your robots.txt file.

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /feed
    Disallow: /comments/feed
    Disallow: /feed/$
    Disallow: /*/feed/$
    Disallow: /*/feed/rss/$
    Disallow: /*/*/feed/$
    Disallow: /*/*/feed/rss/$
    Disallow: /*/*/*/feed/$
    Disallow: /*/*/*/feed/rss/$

  2. Perishable 2008/03/09 3:46 pm

    Great point, but I prefer the following method:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: */feed/*

    Works for me!

  3. Well, I tested this code with Google Tools, and it’s working the same as my 9 lines !

    Thank you :D

  4. NIce article and it brings an old unsolved question of mine to the surface again.

    I was working to make links to my feed rel=”nofollow”. I have no idea however, how I can do this with a line like:””

    I don’t want to go into the wordpress coding. Is there a simple solution, for example by changing the way I insert the link into my template?

  5. Ryan Williams 2008/03/10 3:00 am

    Louis, that sounds like it could cause some issues to me. I’m going to guess that at least one feed reader out there spiders its feeds much like a search engine robot — particularly ones that hunt down new feeds and recommend them to you such as Google Reader.

    Some services like Google Blog Search and Google Alerts may also be affected, as they both rely on spidering their own feed content rather than having users specifically add feeds.

    All three are very potent traffic sources by themselves.

    In most cases I [i]do[/i] want my feeds to be discovered so I’m not really sure about the benefits of blocking any and all bots to be honest.

  6. Ryan, the issue here is to avoid duplicate content. If you submit a valid sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, I don’t see any need for Google crawlers to use your feed.

    You shouldn’t have the same content indexed by search engines again and again.

    You may say that Google can regognize a xml feed page, and treat it appart. Well yes, it must be true, but I think for the principe of avoiding duplicate content, one should tell the robots not to crawl feeds.

  7. Perishable 2008/03/10 8:20 am

    @Oeroek: It looks like WordPress “ate” a key portion of your comment. Specifically, in the third line of your comment, there is a set of empty quotation marks. What’s missing? Note: wrapping terms in <code> tags prevents WP from devouring it ;)

  8. @perishable. thx

    I would like to make the links to my comment feed and regular feed to be nofollow.

    IN my template the following line of code is included.

    <?php comments_rss_link('inschrijven'); ?>

    How can I make this nofollow. Preferably in a way so that i only change the template and not the core code of wordpress.

  9. Perishable 2008/03/10 2:59 pm

    Ah yes, I see now..

    Here is the method that I use to reformat the entire comment feed link, including the addition of a descriptive title attribute as well as the requisite nofollow tag. I know it sucks to have to modify the core, but I haven’t had time to write a plugin to do the job (not even sure if one would be warranted). Perhaps WordPress 2.5 (released soon?) will finally incorporate this change? If not, I am sure there are other ways of doing it. I hope that helps! ;)

  10. It worked, thx a lot.

    I keep a log with changes I make in themes and the core code.

  11. Perishable 2008/03/11 7:36 am

    That’s good to hear — I am glad the hack worked for you.. I really hate making such permanent changes “under the hood,” but keeping an active (current) change log certainly helps keep everything in order. Cheers!

  12. Thanks for the handy list. I’ve added links to most of these feed functions in my own WordPress theme, but I plan to refer back here the next time I’m at someone else’s WordPress site and I need to access a hidden feed.

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