Essential HTML Entities
Virtually every article written here at Perishable Press requires at least one or two “special” HTML characters. Some of these characters — such as quotation marks, hyphens, and dashes — are very common, while others — such as the copyright symbol, bullet, and arrow — happen less frequently. The vast majority of special characters, however, like the latin Ä (i.e., capital letter “A” with a diaeresis), and the mathematical symbol ⊃ (i.e., superset), rarely see the light of day on most blogs, but they do exist.
As a blogger and content creator, I generally use the same set of special characters over and over again. So when I need to throw down an m-dash or right-angle quote or something, I want a guide that just gets me there. Most of the top search results include every special character known to humans. And it’s just overkill. So to boost productivity while writing content, I put together the following table of essential HTML Entities1.
Essential HTML Entities
Character | Numeric Entity | Named Entity | Character Name |
& #160; |
& nbsp; |
Non-Breaking Space | |
« | & #171; |
& laquo; |
Left Double-Angle Quote |
» | & #187; |
& raquo; |
Right Double-Angle Quote |
‹ | & #8249; |
& lsaquo; |
Left Single-Angle Quote |
› | & #8250; |
& rsaquo; |
Right Single-Angle Quote |
“ | & #8220; |
& ldquo; |
Left Double Quote |
” | & #8221; |
& rdquo; |
Right Double Quote |
‘ | & #8216; |
& lsquo; |
Left Single Quote |
’ | & #8217; |
& rsquo; |
Right Single Quote |
" | & #034; |
& quot; |
Straight Quote |
' | & #039; |
& apos; |
Apostrophe |
‚ | & #8218; |
& sbquo; |
Single Low Quote |
„ | & #8222; |
& bdquo; |
Double Low Quote |
< | & #060; |
& lt; |
Left Angle Bracket |
> | & #062; |
& gt; |
Right Angle Bracket |
← | & #8592; |
& larr; |
Left Arrow |
→ | & #8594; |
& rarr; |
Right Arrow |
↑ | & #8593; |
& uarr; |
Up Arrow |
↓ | & #8595; |
& darr; |
Down Arrow |
– | & #8211; |
& ndash; |
En Dash |
— | & #8212; |
& mdash; |
Em Dash |
‾ | & #8254; |
& oline; |
Overline |
¦ | & #166; |
& brvbar; |
Broken Vertical Bar |
® | & #174; |
& reg; |
Registered Symbol |
© | & #169; |
& copy; |
Copyright Symbol |
™ | & #8482; |
& trade; |
Trademark Symbol |
& | & #38; |
& amp; |
Ampersand |
• | & #8226; |
& bull; |
Bullet |
· | & #183; |
& middot; |
Middle Dot |
¹ | & #185; |
& sup1; |
Superscript 1 |
² | & #178; |
& sup2; |
Superscript 2 |
³ | & #179; |
& sup3; |
Superscript 3 |
¢ | & #162; |
& cent; |
Cent Symbol |
† | & #8224; |
& dagger; |
Single Dagger |
‡ | & #8225; |
& Dagger; |
Double Dagger |
~ | & #126; |
& tilde; |
Tilde |
1 Pro Tip: To ensure proper display of Unicode characters (i.e., UTF-8 encoded), add this meta declaration to the <head>
of your web page(s):
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">