Timeline Proper
The new Timeline category here at Perishable Press will consist of articles that recall various events from the distant and not-so-distant past. These posts are by no means comprehensive or even 100% accurate, but rather reflect the recalled essence of whatever memory is represented therein. Further, these articles will be posted sporadically and in no immediately obvious order, depending on whatever reflection happens to be preoccupying us at the moment. Plus, we tend to romanticize events somewhat, so leave if you just can’t stand it. Names have been encrypted to protect the innocent.
Update: This was one of my first posts here at Perishable Press. It was written way back in 2005 when I was first getting started with WordPress, blogging, and all that jazz. Yes it’s horrible, but I’m leaving it up to avoid another redirect rule in the site’s ever-expanding .htaccess file. For a better idea of what this site all about, visit the Archives.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.