Loving Waterfox, my new favorite browser for general surfing and playing on teh Web.
Avoiding Amazon until they stop forcing 2-factor authentication. Frustrating waste of time. Make it optional imbeciles.
Today my trusty scanner died. Not going to replace it. And when my printer finally dies, I’m not going to replace that either.
Spent about a week or so away from screens and media as much as possible. Helps to regain perspective.
Celebrating 8 years providing premium WordPress plugins at Plugin Planet!
Power is *not* relying on a 3rd-party service to handle your email.
Streamlining my entire digital universe into a single highly focused beam.
Simply Static is my go-to plugin for generating static HTML versions of WordPress sites. Works flawlessly.
Note to self: never, ever, ever buy any CD or DVD from eBay. Every single time the discs are scratched, damaged, missing, fake, or worse. Never again you clowns.
Find out if a plugin works with the latest version of WordPress @ plugintests.com
Going through all of my data, deleting all the chaff. Going for less than 500 GB total data storage.
Finally deleted all the cool unused placeholder Twitter accounts that I signed up for years ago. I will never use them.
After several years with Dashlane, I’ve moved on to a simpler, better solution.
After 10+ years, finally moved the last of my sites away from Media Temple.
MUCH work to be done.
Watching. Waiting. Praying.