I am going out on a limb here, but my guess is that most bloggers are not taking advantage of Gravatars. Most of the sites that I visit do, however, take full advantage of the opportunity to sport a favicon. Understandably, favicons have been around for much longer than Gravatars and therefore are much more prevalent. Still, I can’t help but wonder why more people aren’t taking advantage of the free personalized avatar service provided by gravatar.com. For every Gravatar-enabled […] Continue reading »
The second-generation iPod nano is the perfect perpetual soundscape delivery system. Its lightweight design, intuitive interface, and generous storage capacity encourage digital listening pleasure virtually everywhere. The sound quality is crystal clear even at deafening volumes, and the sharp display screen makes it super-easy to configure a highly customizable set of preferences. The zen-like control wheel features touch-sensitive volume adjustment, which tricks you into thinking that you are magic or something every time you change the volume. It may be […] Continue reading »