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Tag: firefox
22 posts

New Version of Category LiveBookmarks Plus for WordPress 2.3

CLB+ As many WordPress users now realize, there have been many fundamental changes in the new version of WordPress. The latest version of WordPress — 2.3 — features a considerably revamped database structure, including a complete reorganization and redistribution of the wp_categories table. Unfortunately, such database alterations have rendered inoperable many popular plugins, proving quite unfortunate not only for millions of WordPress users, but also for those of us who donate time, effort, and resources toward the development of freely […] Continue reading »

10 Firefox Extensions that I Use Every Day

In the Beginning.. Over a year ago, I posted an article recommending over fifty essential Firefox extensions. Excited to have discovered the miraculous joys of extending Firefox with such amazing functionality, I loaded my primary copy of Firefox with just about every potentially useful extension that I could find. Several weeks were spent playing with new features, customizing preferences, and configuring options to gel together in an orchestrated chorus of blissful browser harmony. After experiencing the functional firepower of my […] Continue reading »

Absolutely Fabulous Browser Bookmarklet Things

..Or something. Frankly, I just needed an excuse to post these steaming little beauties online. Please note that I don’t lay claim to most of these browser bookmarklet/favelet tricks, but I do find them extremely useful. They are posted here for the sake of convenience and for reference purposes, so use at your own risk (i.e., I am not responsible if they crash your browser). Although I use most of these bad boys with Firefox, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised […] Continue reading »

Firefox CSS Magic

Consider this post an evolving receptacle for Firefox-specific CSS tricks. Continue reading »

Hacking Firefox Extensions

Firefox extensions enable users to customize Firefox with additional features. Generally, Firefox extensions are free, open-source, and easily downloaded as .xpi files. This article explains how to hack Firefox extensions of the .xpi variety. There are many reasons why someone would want to hack a Firefox extension — examples include: editing code, debugging errors, and learning extensions. This hack method requires a web browser, zip utility, and your favorite text editor. Step 1: Secure an extension By default, the Firefox […] Continue reading »

Essential Firefox Extensions

Firefox users, lend me your ears! As you know, Firefox is like the most excellent, versatile, reliable, and secure browser available today. Extensions are just one of the features that make Firefox so versatile and efficient. Extensions enable Fx users to customize their browsing experience by adding tools that help with security, searching, and multimedia. Here is a list of my favorite — nay, essential — Firefox extensions: Continue reading »

Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
Wizard’s SQL for WordPress: Over 300+ recipes! Check the Demo »
Finishing up the pro version of Head Meta Data plugin, launch planned this month.
Finally finished my ultimate block list to stop AI bots :) Blocks over 100 AI bots!
After 10 years working late at night, my schedule has changed. I am now a “morning person”, starting my day at 6am or earlier.
Nice update for Wutsearch search engine launchpad. Now with 19 engines including Luxxle AI-powered search.
New version of 8G Firewall (v1.4) now available for download :)
Wishing everyone a prosperous and bright New Year!
I disabled AI in Google search results. It was making me lazy.
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