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Web Dev + WordPress + Security

Category LiveBookmarks Plugin

Category LiveBookmarks Icon

CLB+ Enthusiastic Firefox users enjoy the luxury of Live Bookmarks, a feature of Firefox that automatically discovers and updates RSS feeds. Web pages with available feeds are indicated by the orange feed icon located in the browser’s address bar. Clicking the feed icon presents a list of all available feeds for that particular webpage. Users then select which feeds they would like Firefox to bookmark, track, and automatically update. Makes subscribing stupid easy. Very handy indeed. Continue reading »

Head Meta Data

[ Head Meta Data ]

Head Meta Data (previously known as Head MetaData Plus) adds a complete set of <meta /> tags to the <head></head> section of all posts and pages on your site. Including meta information about your site is a great way to refine definition, enhance branding, and improve the semantic quality of your pages. Continue reading »

Upgrading Tag Functionality

Before today, the extent of my concern with tags involved local post tags via UTW and meta keywords via Autometa. Wanting to dive deeper into tagging, I added metadata Technorati tag links as icons appearing after each local tag link, generally located within post meta information. Adding the icon links is easy. Go to the UTW Options panel and in the “Global Formatting Settings” section, select the Technorati Tag. Then simply add the following (or something similar) to your index.php […] Continue reading »

Website Notes

This website is the product of over three months of code, design, redesign, and eyedrops. It takes advantage of WordPress 2.0, which has been functioning flawlessly. The Monzilla website (and all subsequent sites) will also employ WP 2.0, or whichever version is the most current at the time of design. Continue reading »

Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
Digging Into WordPress: Take your WordPress skills to the next level.
Finishing up the pro version of Head Meta Data plugin, launch planned this month.
Finally finished my ultimate block list to stop AI bots :) Blocks over 100 AI bots!
After 10 years working late at night, my schedule has changed. I am now a “morning person”, starting my day at 6am or earlier.
Nice update for Wutsearch search engine launchpad. Now with 19 engines including Luxxle AI-powered search.
New version of 8G Firewall (v1.4) now available for download :)
Wishing everyone a prosperous and bright New Year!
I disabled AI in Google search results. It was making me lazy.
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