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Perishable Press Gets Naked

In celebration of CSS Naked Day, Perishable Press has disabled it’s CSS stylesheet for today, April 9th, 2008 (which also happens to be my 36th birthday)! What a great way to celebrate the occasion.

What are you waiting for? Go get naked!! ;)

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
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19 responses to “Perishable Press Gets Naked”

  1. @Trav: Oooh yes, very nice indeed! I love the Flash header graphic — very keen! The note at the top explaining the event is another great idea (that I should have thought of)! I am sure many visitors have no idea what’s going on! Oh well!

    Happy Naked Day to you!!

  2. Hello nakie nakie :) I joined in the naked fun too and when it’s into day two I’m starting to miss my stylesheet a lot! Everything is in a mess and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to blog – that’s how dependent I realised I am on CSS.

  3. Jordan Gray 2008/04/10 4:36 pm

    I have to say, I much prefer the site with CSS on! Especially your cute little stylesheet switcher – I missed it the first few times I visited, but it’s wonderfully quirky and natural.

  4. Rick Beckman 2008/04/11 2:05 pm

    Well, CSS Naked Day completely slipped by unnoticed by me & my blog, as apparently did your birthday thanks to some problems I’ve been having with the Flock browser, within which I was subscribed to this site.

    Regardless, happy late birthday. :)

  5. Perishable 2008/04/13 7:03 am

    @teddY: I have been feeling a bit “unbloggy” myself lately, for some unknown reason.. I think it has more to do with the weather than with CSS though. Maybe that’s nature’s stylesheet? The nicer it is outside, the more difficult it becomes to sit here in front of a computer!

  6. Perishable 2008/04/13 7:07 am

    @Jordan: “quirky”!!?? Ha! I laughed out loud when I read that. Glad you enjoy my humble little CSS switcher. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it was to find one that works the way I want it to. The switcher I ended up with gets the job done, but I’ll have to agree that it is a bit “quirky” ;)

  7. Perishable 2008/04/13 7:17 am

    @Rick: Thanks for the birthday shouts! Sorry to hear about your “Flocking” browser problems — hopefully you got everything worked out and didn’t lose any important data. In any case, thanks for the visit — it is good to hear from you again! :)

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