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Perishable Interviewed at ImJustCreative

Graham Smith of recently interviewed me on a wide variety of topics, including everything from blogging and web design to theme development and social media. The interview is presented as more of a dialogue between Graham and myself, and will be presented as a three-part series.

Check out the first part of the interview here.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
Head Meta Pro: Perfect Meta Tags for WordPress

2 responses to “Perishable Interviewed at ImJustCreative”

  1. Hi
    Sorry it took so long in arriving.

    I had intended for it to be a visual feast as well as just words, but it was always never going to happen.

    So thought best to just get it out. Afterall, so much is said about blog posts having to have images? But then we all read novels that have 100’s of pages of just text quite happily… right?

    2nd Part to follow in a few days.

    Graham Smith

  2. Of course! I am not fond of having my picture plastered all over the place anyway, so it all works out for the best. I think the formatting of the text is great in and of itself — nice and clean with stand-out blockquotes and eye-catching icons. Overall, I would say nicely done, Mr. Graham! Thanks again for the opportunity — it is greatly appreciated. I am definitely looking forward to reading parts 2 and 3..

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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