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It’s Here: Digging into WordPress!

[ Digging into WordPress ] After nearly a year of production, Chris Coyier and I are stoked to announce our new book: Digging into WordPress! It’s nine jam-packed chapters (400 pages!) stuffed with everything you need to take your WordPress skills to the next level and really get the most out of WordPress. We take you through everything — from setting up for success and creating the perfect theme to optimizing performance and tightening security, Digging into WordPress delivers the goods. You’ll learn how to harness the full potential of WordPress with all of the tips, tricks, and code you need to make it happen.

Special 10-Day Discount

For the next ten days, use coupon code DIWPERISHABLE to save $5 instantly. The book sells for $27, so with the coupon code you can grab it for a cool 22 bucks. This is a limited-time deal so take advantage and hook it up now. Go here to get the scoop and download the book.

Living, Breathing PDF Format..

[ Learn WordPress Now ] The PDF version of the book is awesome because we will be able to update and expand it indefinitely. As WordPress changes, the book will evolve with new information, techniques, and code. This is why we call the DiW PDF a “living, breathing document” — it will grow with WordPress, and will be updated and improved periodically well into the future.

..and a Printed Version Coming Soon

[ *Really* Learn It. ] In addition to the PDF, a printed version of Digging into WordPress will also be available sometime in the near future. Everyone who purchases the PDF version of the book will receive a fair discount on the printed book when it’s released. The printed book will be awesome, but the PDF is ideal because it’s easy to search, easy to zoom, easy to transport, and easy to copy & paste code. It even features actual hyperlinks that make it easy to jump to linked resources (and there’s a zillion of ‘em!).

Lifetime Subscription

[ Take Your WordPress Skills to the Next Level ] All DiW customers automatically get a lifetime subscription to all future updates and new versions of the book. Chris and I are crazy about WordPress and plan on sharing our experience as time goes on. There are a few other WordPress books out there, but this one won’t get old and outdated as WordPress evolves. Whenever we update the book and release a new version, we’ll send you a link for a free download — fresh WordPress with the click of a button.

Affiliate Program

To help promote the book, we are also providing an affiliate program. If you like the book and want to help sell it, you can earn money doing so. For the PDF version of the book, we avoid the substantial costs typically involved with the printing, handling and shipping of a physical product. So, we are offering an affiliate commission of 50% for all affiliate sales. You are doing the legwork, and we appreciate it. Learn more here.

Thank You

Thanks in advance to anybody who picks up a copy. It goes a long way toward helping both Chris and I create all the other free content we love to share.

[ Digging into WordPress ]
Packed with yummy WordPress goodness!

Sneak peak..

You can download a demo of the book here. The demo features the Table of Contents and part of Chapter 3. Here’s a little collage showing the general look and feel of what’s inside the book..

[ DiW Sneak Peak ]
9 Chapters, 400 Pages, and tons of great tips, tricks, and code

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Security Specialist. WordPress Buff.
The Tao of WordPress: Master the art of WordPress.

18 responses to “It’s Here: Digging into WordPress!”

  1. Azad Shaikh 2010/01/22 6:05 am

    I had read this book and love it very much. Chris and you are a real deal and his book is just awesome. I had wrote a review of this book at .

    Let me know what you think about this review.

    Warm Regards,
    Azad Shaikh

  2. Very nice Azad! Thank you for your generous review! :)

    Also, very nice btw – may I ask which script you are using for the tabbed menu in the sidebar? It is very sleek.

  3. Azad Shaikh 2010/01/23 11:07 pm

    Hi Jeff,

    I am glad that you like my review.
    At we are using Mystique theme (with lots of my personal customizations) developed by M. Popovici you can download it here . This is the best free wordpress ever. I highly recommend you to test this themes. It show how awesome JQuery is.

    Warm Regards,
    Azad Shaikh

  4. Thanks for the tip on the Mystique theme, Azad — looks like some nice jQuery tricks to learn :)

  5. Oliver Edwards 2010/02/04 4:57 am

    Hi Jeff,

    Just to let you guys know, I really appreciated the give away on this book, I of course just happened to become the happy owner of a copy this way. Almost through the book and can say it’s truly amazing; very well structured with plenty of tips – easy read with a great type size.

    Thanks so much! All the best,

  6. Jeff Starr 2010/02/06 8:35 pm

    Thanks Oliver! Glad you enjoy the book. Thanks for the great feedback :)

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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