Essential Mint Extensions
As many statistics freaks already know, Mint is an excellent way to keep a close eye on your site’s visitors, referrers, most requested resources, and much more. Even better, Mint’s functionality is easily enhanced via a growing collection of free extensions referred to as “Peppers”. Peppers provide Mint functionality for a wide range of statistical operations, including everything from geographical IP information to nice, graphical summaries of collected data.
Awesome Mint Peppers
While we have not tried every Pepper available today, we have managed to incorporate an extremely powerful arsenal of statistical weaponry that keeps us well-informed about our site’s online activity. For Mint users, the following list of Pepper extensions is essential for complete statistical analysis..
- Default Pepper
- Included with Mint, this Pepper tracks the number of page views, unique visitors, and much more.
- Backup/Restore
- Included with Mint, this Pepper makes it easy to backup and restore your settings and preferences.
- User Agent 007
- User Agent 007 Provides critical information regarding the user-agents your visitors are using.
- Session Tracker
- Our favorite tool, Session Tracker shows who is online, where they came from, and where they going.
- XXX Strong Mint
- XXX Strong Mint provides reverse IP information revealing IP and host information for your users.
- Geo Mint
- Geo Mint employs Google Maps to provide graphical data revealing geographical locations of visitors.
- Outclicks
- The Outclicks Pepper gracefully shows which external links users are following from within your site.
- Local Searches
- The Local Searches Pepper reveals which search terms are being queried from within your site.
- Download Counter
- Download Counter provides complete statistics for any resources explicitly downloaded from your site.
- Window Width
- The Window Width Pepper reveals which screen resolutions your visitors happen to be using at your site.