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CSS Hooks for User Submitted Posts

Here is a list of all CSS hooks available for the User Submitted Posts submission form. If you notice any errors or if I’ve missed anything, please let me know with a comment or by sending an email via my contact form. Thanks!

CSS hooks for the USP form

Here is a complete BLANK template including all available CSS selectors available with the USP plugin. Use what you need, delete any empties!

	User Submitted Posts - CSS Stylesheet
	This is a complete CSS skeleton of all elements and hooks in the submission form.
	Use what you need and then delete any empties to lighten the file.
div#user-submitted-posts {}
div#user-submitted-posts form {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset label {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset input {} /* excludes submit button */

div#user-submitted-posts input {}
div#user-submitted-posts label {}
div#user-submitted-posts textarea {}
div#user-submitted-posts select {}
div#user-submitted-posts option {}

.usp-input {}
.usp-textarea {}

form#usp_form {}

fieldset.usp-name {}
fieldset.usp-url {}
fieldset.usp-title {}
fieldset.usp-tags {}
fieldset.usp-category {}
fieldset.usp-content {}
fieldset.usp-custom {}

fieldset.usp-captcha {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-captcha input {}

div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-checkbox {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-checkbox input {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-checkbox label {}

fieldset.usp-images {}
fieldset.usp-images label {}
div#user-submitted-posts input.usp-clone {}

div#usp-upload-message {}
div#user-submitted-image {}
a#usp_add-another {}
div.usp-image-gallery {}

fieldset#usp_verify {}
div#usp-submit {}

div#usp-error-message {}
div#usp-success-message {}

div.usp-input-error {}
div.usp-input-error span {}

div.usp_text-editor {}
.usp-rich-textarea {}

.parsley-errors-list {}
.parsley-errors-list.filled {}
.parsley-required {}
.usp-files-error {}
.usp-file-preview {}

textarea.parsley-success {}
textarea.parsley-error {}

.usp-hidden {}
.usp-no-js {}
.usp-js {}

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
Digging Into WordPress: Take your WordPress skills to the next level.

3 responses to “CSS Hooks for User Submitted Posts”

  1. Hi, where can I contact you to get help with USP plugin. All my posts are going to the trash and display no images. Uploads folder has permission 777.
    Hope you can help!

  2. I love your plugin, God bless you.

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