CSS Hooks for User Submitted Posts
Here is a list of all CSS hooks available for the User Submitted Posts submission form. If you notice any errors or if I’ve missed anything, please let me know with a comment or by sending an email via my contact form. Thanks!
CSS hooks for the USP form
Here is a complete BLANK template including all available CSS selectors available with the USP plugin. Use what you need, delete any empties!
User Submitted Posts - CSS Stylesheet
@ https://perishablepress.com/user-submitted-posts/
This is a complete CSS skeleton of all elements and hooks in the submission form.
Use what you need and then delete any empties to lighten the file.
div#user-submitted-posts {}
div#user-submitted-posts form {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset label {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset input {} /* excludes submit button */
div#user-submitted-posts input {}
div#user-submitted-posts label {}
div#user-submitted-posts textarea {}
div#user-submitted-posts select {}
div#user-submitted-posts option {}
.usp-input {}
.usp-textarea {}
form#usp_form {}
fieldset.usp-name {}
fieldset.usp-url {}
fieldset.usp-title {}
fieldset.usp-tags {}
fieldset.usp-category {}
fieldset.usp-content {}
fieldset.usp-custom {}
fieldset.usp-captcha {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-captcha input {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-checkbox {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-checkbox input {}
div#user-submitted-posts fieldset.usp-checkbox label {}
fieldset.usp-images {}
fieldset.usp-images label {}
div#user-submitted-posts input.usp-clone {}
div#usp-upload-message {}
div#user-submitted-image {}
a#usp_add-another {}
div.usp-image-gallery {}
fieldset#usp_verify {}
div#usp-submit {}
div#usp-error-message {}
div#usp-success-message {}
div.usp-input-error {}
div.usp-input-error span {}
div.usp_text-editor {}
.usp-rich-textarea {}
.parsley-errors-list {}
.parsley-errors-list.filled {}
.parsley-required {}
.usp-files-error {}
.usp-file-preview {}
textarea.parsley-success {}
textarea.parsley-error {}
.usp-hidden {}
.usp-no-js {}
.usp-js {}

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Designer. Developer. Producer. Writer. Editor. Etc.
3 responses to “CSS Hooks for User Submitted Posts”
Hi, where can I contact you to get help with USP plugin. All my posts are going to the trash and display no images. Uploads folder has permission 777.
Hope you can help!
Contact me direct via my contact form: https://perishablepress.com/contact/
I love your plugin, God bless you.