Perishable Press CSS Hackz Series Summary
The “CSS Hackz Series” focuses on useful hacks, tricks, and workarounds for specific presentational and styling issues on various browsers. Although a majority of these articles provide solutions for Internet Explorer, other browsers are covered as well, either specifically or in general.
The articles in the “Hackz” series are written to be as clear and concise as possible, focusing on application rather than theory. Thus, these posts cut right to the chase, presenting comprehensive methods and techniques aimed at those already familiar with the basic principles of Standards-based Web design. So, without further ado, here is a periodically updated list showcasing the all of the currently available articles in the series..
- CSS Hackz Series: Targeting and Filtering Internet Explorer 7
- CSS Hackz Series: Clearing Floats with the Clearfix Hack
- CSS Hackz Series: PNG Fix for Internet Explorer
- CSS Hackz Series: Minimum Width, Maximum Width for Internet Explorer 6
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