When all else fails.. Continue reading »
I enjoy discussing science and philosophy with my co-workers. Here is a taste of the geeky conversations once held while employed at the local poly-silicon laboratory. Continue reading »
Quality web-based vector drawing in effect. Check out LiTha-Paint at litha-paint.com. LiTha-Paint is a promising new online vector drawing tool. The software is currently in alpha, yet is already full-featured and easy to use. LiTha-Paint steps beyond the paltry selection of Flash/VML/SVG online drawing tools, providing versatility and universality via HTML and JavaScript. Perhaps all this Web 2.0 business is worthwhile after all.. Continue reading »
I found this interesting: Enlighten Encode Decode Apparently, I am defined as: GFA d-@ s:- a C++ U@ P@ L@ E@ W+++ !N !o K–? w@ O@ M@ !V PS@ PE@ Y@ PGP@ t !5 !X R@ tv– b+ DI !D G@ e+ h@ r+++ y+++ Continue reading »
The Internet Archive Wayback Machine is a trip into the online past, offering glimpses of ancient website relics. Reaching back through the virtual dark ages of 1996, the Wayback Machine chronicles over 55 billion pages. Although many of the pages appear incomplete due to missing images, the Wayback Machine provides an invaluable resource, enabling users to experience and learn from the arcane internet of yesterday. Continue reading »
Within the last few years, the convergence of satellite imagery, digital technology, and the world wide web has spawned a host of sophisticated online navigational applications. Perhaps the most significant development involves Google’s relatively new map technology, which brings users Google Maps and Google Earth. Whereas Google Maps provides an online navigational resource, Google Earth is a free, downloadable software application that brings that literally brings the world to your desktop. A few minutes after downloading and installing Google Earth, […] Continue reading »
Have a Peace of Mind Looking for the perfect dedicated server? Well, “Don’t Just a Dedicated Server!” — “Have Peace of Mind!” with Daily Razor Hosting. Because good web hosting is all about the details. Continue reading »
Gangsta lean. Gangsta tuff. Da Gizoogle.com Search Engine and Translator delivahz da roofless bidniss fo’ da previous post. Continue reading »
I love reading these things.. (another pathetic email phishing attempt) Your online credit card account has high-risk activity status. We are contacting you to remind you that on March. 13, 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with Chase Bank’s User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. We encourage you […] Continue reading »
Ahh, the joys of stealing from people… Dear Customer Of The WellsFargo Internet Banking We Have Noticed That Your Wells Fargo Online Bank Account Needs To Be Updated, because we have made a new updates on our online banking service and we lost some information of our customer online banking accounts, we are sorry for that but you should update your Wells Fargo online bank account. To verify your online account and access your bank account, to be able to […] Continue reading »
For a good laugh, consider the following email message: Subject: Attention! Several VISA Credit Card bases have been LOST! Good afternoon, unfortunately some processings have been cracked by hackers, so a new secure code to protect your data has been introduced by visa. You should check your card balance and in case of suspicious transactions immediately contact your card issuing bank. If all transactions are alright, it doesn’t mean the card is not lost and cannot be used. Probably, your […] Continue reading »
The Millennium Falcon speeds through deep space, closely followed by a firing Imperial Star Destroyer. A large asteroid about the same size as the Falcon tumbles rapidly toward the starship. The tiny Falcon banks to avoid the giant asteroid as smaller rocks pelt its surface. Then the small craft roars under the asteroid which explodes harmlessly on the hull of the vast Star Destroyer. Ready, are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. […] Continue reading »
Paying homage to Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, via collective digital screensaver morphology happening over at electricsheep.org. A virtual gallery of visually inspiring graphics generated via system of networked computers. Update: I think the original Electric Sheep site was sold to a company that sells “Electric Sheep” software or something. It still may be cool and inspiring, but maybe do some research before making any serious investment (of time or money). Continue reading »