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BlogStats PCC Plugin

[ BlogStats PCC ] Announcing the BlogStats PCC plugin for WordPress! BlogStats PCC is the easy way to display the total number of posts, comments, categories, as well as several other great statistics for your WordPress-powered website. With BlogStats PCC, you display only the information you want, where you want — inside or outside of the WordPress loop. Completely customizable, BlogStats PCC will display any combination of statistics you choose. This plugin is highly flexible, simple to use, open source, and completely free.

Update: BlogStats PCC has been rebuilt with all new features and options. Check out Simple Blog Stats for all the action! </update>

BlogStats PCC update

New version of BlogStats PCC now available! The new version now provides all of these great site statistics:

  • Total number of posts
  • Total number of comments
  • Total number of categories
  • Total number of members
  • Total number of guests
  • Total number of pages
  • Date of most recent update
  • Most recent commentator
  • Most recent post

Display any or all of the provided site statistics — customize your own set to provide only the statistics you want!

Installation and Usage

  1. Copy blogstats-pcc.php to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Upload and activate via WordPress plugin admin panel
  3. Use the following tags to display your stats anywhere:
Display the entire set of statistics in a nice list format:
<?php if (function_exists('fullstats')) { fullstats(); } ?>

Display the total number of posts, comments, and categories:
<?php if (function_exists('blogstats')) { blogstats(); } ?>

Display the total number of posts:
<?php if (function_exists('poststats')) { poststats(); } ?>

Display the total number of comments:
<?php if (function_exists('commstats')) { commstats(); } ?>

Display the total number of categories:
<?php if (function_exists('catstats')) { catstats(); } ?>

Display the total number of registered users:
<?php if (function_exists('regusers')) { regusers(); } ?>

Display the total number of unregistered users:
<?php if (function_exists('userstats')) { userstats(); } ?>

Display the total number of individual, static pages:
<?php if (function_exists('pagestats')) { pagestats(); } ?>

Display the date of the most recent post modification:
<?php if (function_exists('modstats')) { modstats(); } ?>

Display a link to the most recently published blog post:
<?php if (function_exists('recpost')) { recpost(); } ?>

Display the name of the most recent commentator as a link:
<?php if (function_exists('reccomm')) { reccomm(); } ?>

Display the date of the last update in your blog's default date format:
<?php if (function_exists('recstats')) { recstats(); } ?>
Check it out: Simple Blog Stats »

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
The Tao of WordPress: Master the art of WordPress.

110 responses to “BlogStats PCC Plugin”

  1. Hi, nice work for this pluggin! :) But i got a little problem… I want to ‘create a page’ from the dashboard that will show the stats on it. But the problem is that it doesnt process the php tag code on the textarea to write the page. I must put the tags on the sidebar for them to work..

    Sorry for my english :)

    thx and ciao!

  2. Perishable 2007/02/25 9:27 am


    After you have created a page, open your WP Admin and click on "Presentation". Then, under Presentation, click on "Theme Editor". Once inside the Theme Editor, locate your new page in the list of files on the right. Finally, add the BlogStats PCC function call(s) to the location of your choice. Don’t forget to click the "Update File" button to save your changes. After that, check your page, everything should be working fine.

    Let us know how it goes!

  3. Thx, it was my mistake.. It work fine :)

  4. Mmmh sorry but my pages doesnt appear on my files list to edit on the theme editor, any ideas?

  5. Perishable 2007/02/25 1:55 pm

    You need to create a page before it will appear in the list. In this case, creating a page requires a custom page template. Only pages with custom templates will appear in the theme editor. Check out the WP docs for more information about creating custom page templates. Once you have the custom page template in place, the steps outlined in my previous comment should apply. Good luck!

  6. Counting posts in categories is fine. But I have posts that can belong to several categories. I have a small routine (using an array) which selects posts that are – for example – both in category A and category B. What I would like is to display the number of posts that are displayed by this selection. May your plugin be adapted to this? Thanks for your wisdom!

  7. Perishable 2007/04/06 9:01 pm

    That definitely sounds possible..
    Email the code you are using along with any pertinent information and we will look into it..

  8. Why DOESN’T it work? I did everything like’s written and it doesn’t. What’s up?

  9. Did you get it working? I checked your site and it appears to be displaying statistics in the sidebar..

  10. It’s different statistics. But nevermind. I decided to use different plugin.

  11. alejandro 2007/05/05 8:25 pm


    I have a question. The “guests” (unregistered users”) are the number of visitors at a given moment? In real time?
    Thanks! Great plug in.

  12. Perishable 2007/05/15 2:36 pm

    The number of "Guests" reflects the number of users that have registered as a subscriber/member for your blog, not the number of visitors currently visiting your site.

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