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Arabic Version of Contact Coldform Released

Announcing an improved, Arabic version of my latest WordPress plugin, Contact Coldform. The new version features complete UTF-8 compatibility and has been completely translated to the Arabic language. Here is a detailed breakdown of changes made for the Arabic version:

  • Completely translated to Arabic
  • Encoded in UTF-8 without BOM
  • Emails now sent in HTML format
  • Added line breaks in HTML format
  • Right-to-left text presentation
  • Customized layout for Arabic
  • Full UTF-8 support

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the generous help of:

  • Rasheed, for translating the plugin to Arabic
  • Mustafa Saadi, for doing everything else ;)

For more information, check out the original thread at There you may obtain more information and also download the Arabic version of Contact Coldform. You may also download the Arabic version via the Contact Coldform homepage.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
GA Pro: Add Google Analytics to WordPress like a pro.

24 responses to “Arabic Version of Contact Coldform Released”

  1. Hello Jeff,

    I have to say it is going to be the most popular contact form plugin through arabic blogs.

    Do you think to localize it ?

    Adding some more features like (contact reason from the dropdown menu) ?


  2. Yes I will do my best to localize the plugin for the next release. The response so far has been incredible. Thanks to some great input, there are quite a few improvements (including the drop-down menu you suggest) that will be implemented for the next release. The trick, of course, is finding time for the work. Hopefully soon.. ;)

  3. Omar Al-Dolaimy 2008/03/16 10:18 am

    Thanks allot ;)
    it’s perfect.

    I used to translate my plug-ins myself but now I’ve got it done by some one else :D

  4. Perishable 2008/03/16 4:03 pm

    Absolutely! Shouts out to Rasheed for translating the plugin to Arabic! :D

  5. Rasikh Kashmiri 2008/03/18 7:54 am

    Thanks for every one who worked on it.

  6. Hey thanks. I’m still waiting for an expected update release. A simple recoding and few features added would make this plugin hit the tops.

  7. Jeff Starr 2008/10/01 6:02 pm

    Yes, working on it.. Now that I have finished with my redesign, I should be able to find some time here soon. Keep in mind that WordPress plugin development is something I do freely in order to help the community. Unfortunately, feeding the family is generally a priority when it comes to setting the schedule.. ;) Nonetheless, I do enjoy it immensely and will do my best to update my plugins soon..

  8. It is really professional form, I use it in my blog ..
    Thanks :)

  9. Hello Jef,

    After upgrading to 2.8.1 I can’t open the contact coldform options page:

    “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    I see this error in multiply blogs.


  10. marble popper 2009/07/17 11:09 am

    I have the same problem as Rasheed. How to solve it?

  11. Hi guys, thanks for alerting me to this. There have been some changes in WordPress 2.8.1 that seem to be causing the issue. I will be updating the plugin early next week after returning to the office. Will post again here when it’s available.

  12. Thanks Jeff.

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