AddMySite Plugin for WordPress
The AddMySite (AMS) plugin for WordPress makes it easy for your visitors to add your site and feed to all of their favorite social-bookmarking services. Share instantly with awesome sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Twitter. With a few clicks, users can quickly bookmark or add your site to over 20 popular social bookmarking services. It’s like a dream come true for simple social-media sharing. Simple, fast, and easy :)
Update: Project Completion
It’s been a great run! With over 9,000 downloads and 15 plugin updates, the AddMySite project was educational, rewarding, and hopefully useful. But all earthly things must come to an end, so I will be discontinuing support and development of AddMySite as of March 3rd, 2018. The final version of the plugin will remain available for reference purposes.
- Upload plugin to plugins directory and activate.
- Visit Appearance > Widgets to enable and customize the AMS widget.
- Enjoy! ;)
Here are a couple of screenshots of AddMySite:
Note: this is the final version of the plugin. Updates and support are discontinued as of March 3rd, 2018.

61 responses to “AddMySite Plugin for WordPress”
Hi Jeff,
As a test, I’ve installed WP locally on my Mac using its Apache server. I installed your plugin as per your instructions and get the same error as on my remote server.
I’m putting the AddMySite.php file into:
On both servers when i go to activate I find the plugin is activated, but I turn it off and back on just to be sure.
I then put:
<?php ams_dropmenu(); ?>
I just thought you might be interested in my latest experiement.
still trying,
okay, now you two have piqued my interest. the AMS plugin works perfectly on many other blog setups and yours should be no exception. perhaps there is something within the plugin itself that conflicts with certain sites and/or directory configurations. i will definitely look into this soon, and report back here any findings or follow-up questions, etc. i appreciate your diligence and help with the development of my AMS plugin. stay tuned..
For what it’s worth, I just tried one of the other plugins I downloaded on the local server wp install with the same result.
Therefore, I’m not convinced the problem lies with your plugin (and the other), but I sure am stumped.
There error message appears in the side bar of the blog like this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ams_dropmenu() in
on line 43
The function is "undefined" but I don’t know how the heck to define it.
Thanks for your interest.
one way to define the function is to do it explicitly by including it on the same page as the function call. then, assuming it is properly included on the page, there is no question as to its location. if have yet to try this, copy and paste the entire page (i.e., everything between and including the first and last enclosing php tags) right above the function call in your sidebar. upload and check. if the function works, we have more clues and can eliminate the plugin as the culprit..
This makes it work… now I just need to figure out how to call that function when is resides in the plugins folder.
Btw, It’s just on a test page now, but your plugin looks very nice sitting in the sidebar like it should.
Many Thanks for your help here… I suspected a path issue but I have yet to figure out how to modify the call to make it look in the plugins folder.
Ahh, that is good news indeed. I am glad that the plugin itself is compatible with your system configuration.
Also, keep in mind that including the AMS dropdown menu (or the list) on your web page(s) does not require PHP (or even WordPress) to function properly.
To do this, simply view the source code of the test page that is displaying correctly the AMS function (i.e., either the dropdown menu or list). Then simply copy the entire block of AMS code (everything within and including the <form> or <ul> tags) and paste into the desired location on your WP page(s).
The plugin merely automates this process. The resulting (X)HTML is identical regardless of inclusion method.
The only downside is that the copy & paste process would have to be repeated for any subsequent AMS plugin updates.
…and the saga continues. The plugin works great on my local server (apache) with the prescirbed configuration. Thank You very much for bringing me this far.
Unfortunately the same approach doesn’t work when I deploy it on my ISP’s server. There are no error messages, but the plugin doesn’t show and nor does anything else in the sidebar menu below where I add the plugin and function call.
The discussion now moves to my ISP’s support people, but I thought I’d mention it on the chance that you might visit my blog and wonder what is up?
So close i can taste it!
Sounds good, Mike. Keep us in the loop regarding this issue — you never know who else may find this information useful. Also, good luck with the ISP support people, you may need it! Either way, have fun with your blog — it is quite enjoyable to read.
Thanks for the code, man! Was a cinch to plugin and it works great. Props!
Our pleasure.. Thanks for the shoutz!
I’ve just installed your code and the results are great. Thanks very much!
Now, I have a question…
I’ve just read that numerous links to social sites can “damage” one’s Google pageranking. He says that in order to avoid that, either javascript should be used, or one should have “nofollow” next to the links.
Have you heard of that before?
Once again, thanks for the plugin.
I have not heard of PR damage due to excessive linkage to social bookmarking sites per se. However, I have read that too many outgoing links in general may decrease a site’s PR value. Keep in mind that a "link" in this case is defined by the presence of an anchor element (<
>). JavaScript often is used to "hide" convoluted code and excessive outgoing links from the search engines. Thenofollow
element is perhaps the simplest method of protecting PR, but it remains frowned upon as bad practice in many circles. Nonetheless, the AddMySite plugin employs a dropdown list that does not contain any anchor elements whatsoever. Thus, usingnofollow
to exempt the URL data is not even a possibility. I suppose you could use JavaScript to hide the dropdown list altogether, but that would not be necessary as it has yet to be shown that search engines penalize PR for form elements or list options. In any case, I am glad that you have found the AMS plugin useful — thank you for the positive feedback.Best regards,