Absolutely Fabulous Browser Bookmarklet Things
..Or something. Frankly, I just needed an excuse to post these steaming little beauties online. Please note that I don’t lay claim to most of these browser bookmarklet/favelet tricks, but I do find them extremely useful. They are posted here for the sake of convenience and for reference purposes, so use at your own risk (i.e., I am not responsible if they crash your browser). Although I use most of these bad boys with Firefox, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they also functioned properly in other modern browsers. Nonetheless, along with each bookmarklet/favelet thing, I try to provide as much relevant information as possible, because sometimes you just feel like you’re from another planet. Happy head-scratching!
What are these things?
“Bookmarklets,” “Favelets,” “Browser Enhancement Things” — whatever you want to call them — help increase productivity and simplify tasks executed from within your browser window. Basically, these things are stored as bookmarks and perform some task — such as resize the browser window — when they are clicked. Hmm, perhaps I should check Wikipedia for the “Official” definition .. — nah.
How do I install them?
Installation of these lil’ miracles could not be easier. In most modern browsers, simply drag and drop the bookmarklet link onto your shortcut toolbar (Firefox, Safari, et al) or right-click and “Add to Favorites” (Internet Explorer). Pretty easy. There is a more complicated method as well. Create an empty bookmark or Favorite and copy & paste the bookmarklet source code into the URL field. Either way, these things are pretty common and you shouldn’t have too much trouble. So, without further ado..
Download the complete set of Absolutely Fabulous Browser Bookmarklet Things!