What’s Up Dude
Hello! If you are seeing this page via the default WordPress theme (i.e., blue header, based on Kubrick), welcome to the new server! I recently upgraded my hosting to a virtual private server, and finally reassigned the domain name servers to resolve to the new address.
So, if you are here and everything seems to be working, then everything went according to plan and I will be able to complete the transfer on Saturday (Lord willing). If, on the other hand, something is busted, throwing an error, or otherwise causing problems, then Saturday may involve more troubleshooting and fixing things.. Either way, if you are reading this, welcome! There are great things in store here at our new home ;)

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
2 responses to “What’s Up Dude”
Hi, stumbled over your site searching for a way of finding out who logged in to a folder through htaccess. (Still looking btw.)
Just wanted to tell tiy that your main page
is fucked up. You get a folder structure.The
works, but your font size gets messed up to be enormously large.Just thought you liked to know ;)
Thank you for the comment — it gave me a jump start on fixing everything that got tweaked during the transfer.. I have tried to fix a few of the issues, but the domain has yet to propagate on this side of the hill, so I am limited in what I can do through proxy servers (i can’t even approve your comment — but i will, after i can login to admin).
In any case, thanks again for letting me know what’s up!