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58 posts related to: All the Hyphens & Dashes

Embed QuickTime Notes Plus

This post contains random notes and code snippets for embedding QuickTime within HTML web pages. Simply copy, paste, and customize according to your needs. Happy embedding! Continue reading »

Keep it Dark: Hiding and Filtering CSS

Hiding and filtering CSS rules for specifically targeted browsers is often a foregone conclusion when it comes to cross-browser design considerations. Rather than dive into some lengthy dialogue concerning the myriad situations and implications of such design hackery, our current scheduling restraints behoove us to simply cut to the chase and dish the goods. Having said that, we now consider this post a perpetually evolving repository of CSS filters.. Continue reading »

Embed External Content via iframe and div

By using an <iframe></iframe> within a <div></div>, it is possible to include external web content in most any web document. This method serves as an excellent alternative to actual frames, which are not as flexible and definitely not as popular. Indeed, with CSS, the placement, sizing, and styling of div’s provides endless possibilities for embedding external or even internal web content into pages that would otherwise require the use of frames, Flash, or JavaScript. This method works on any modern […] Continue reading »

Theme Edits for IE7

This post is a working repository of code edits and other changes made to Perishable Press themes in order for them to function properly in Internet Explorer 7 (IE7). If supporting older versions of IE is your thang. Continue reading »

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Formats

There are currently three formats for expressing date/time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). All examples represent the date, July 04, 2050. The time for all three formats is expressed as hour:minutes:seconds. Continue reading »

XHTML Document Header Resource

This XHTML header tags resource is a work in progress, perpetually expanding and evolving as new information is obtained, explored, and integrated. Hopefully, you will find it useful in some way. Even better, perhaps you will share any complimentary or critical information concerning the contents of this article. To get a better idea, scroll through the Table of Contents. Continue reading »

HTML Frames Notes Plus

If you think that nobody uses frames anymore, think again. I personally know of one person who threw down some tuff HTML frame action for a personal site. So, in the interest of prosperity, we are hereby establishing this post as our official dumping ground for all HTML frame-related garbage. Continue reading »

CSS Code Repository

Here is my online (i.e., public) repository of interesting, mysterious, and/or perhaps even useful CSS code. Note that this post and file are from 2006. Probably best for informational and reference purposes only. Continue reading »

Accessibility Notes Plus

Just a few useful accessibility notes.. Continue reading »

Spamless Email Address via JavaScript

[ Mr. T ]

Let’s face it, spam sucks. Give spammers the figurative finger by using this nifty bit of JavaScript to hide your email address from the harvesters. Here is an easy copy-&-paste snippet for including a spam-proof email address in your web pages. Although there are a million ways of doing this, I am posting this for the record (and because I just can’t stand deleting usable code). This technique uses JavaScript, and therefore is not 100% ideal for all users. My […] Continue reading »

Crazy CSS Underline Effects

Check out these crazy CSS underline effects: Continue reading »

CSS Hack Dumpster

Consider this page a virtual dumpster of wonderful CSS hacks.. Continue reading »

sIFR Notes Plus

Here are a few sIFR Notes for Perishable Press. Just what are we looking at here? Well, first it is important to understand the sIFR variables and the order in which they should appear: Continue reading »

A Complete CSS Template File

To help maintain consistency when developing new CSS-styled websites, we have created a complete CSS template file. The file contains every HTML/XHTML tag known to man. This includes tags such as BASEFONT and CENTER, which have been deprecated; tags such as COMMENT and MARQUEE, which are exclusive to Internet Explorer; tags such as SPACER and SERVER, which are exclusive to Netscape Navigator; and even tags such as !DOCTYPE and BASE, which are included merely for the sake of completeness. The […] Continue reading »

WordPress Search Function Notes

Here is a collection of notes about WordPress search functionality. Note that this post was written a long time ago, so test/verify any code before implementing on a live, production site. Continue reading »

Stylish Deleted Text

Fashion stylish deleted text in XHTML via the über obscure del tag. Code example: <del datetime="1999-Dec-31T23:59:59+00:00" title="Text deleted: 31-Dec-1999 @ 23:59"> Terminate me. </del> Live example: Terminate me. Continue reading »

Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
The Tao of WordPress: Master the art of WordPress.
Finishing up the pro version of Head Meta Data plugin, launch planned this month.
Finally finished my ultimate block list to stop AI bots :) Blocks over 100 AI bots!
After 10 years working late at night, my schedule has changed. I am now a “morning person”, starting my day at 6am or earlier.
Nice update for Wutsearch search engine launchpad. Now with 19 engines including Luxxle AI-powered search.
New version of 8G Firewall (v1.4) now available for download :)
Wishing everyone a prosperous and bright New Year!
I disabled AI in Google search results. It was making me lazy.
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