Printed .htaccess books
After launching my new book .htaccess made easy back in September, I wanted to allow time to fix any errors or typos before sending the book to the printers. After a couple of months, I had updated the book three times with better code, new techniques, and design improvements. After a few final steps to optimize for print format, the books were ordered, printed and delivered fresh on Christmas Eve :) So to celebrate the event, all printed .htaccess books are on sale for $10 off, and all PDFs are on sale for $5 off.
About the printed books
The printed books contain the same content as the PDF, over 200 pages of .htaccess how-to’s, techniques, tricks & tips. The books are digitally printed in full-color on glossy paper with a coated card-stock cover and spiral binding. It’s a self-published thing of beauty, as you can see for yourself:
![[ .htaccess made easy - photo of printed books ]](
.htaccess made easy – printed books!
![[ .htaccess made easy - photo of front cover ]](
.htaccess made easy – front cover
![[ .htaccess made easy - content detail ]](
.htaccess made easy – content detail
![[ .htaccess made easy - content detail ]](
.htaccess made easy – content detail
![[ .htaccess made easy - page detail ]](
.htaccess made easy – page detail
![[ .htaccess made easy - spiral binding ]](
.htaccess made easy – spiral binding
In addition to the PDF Demo, also check out Aldo Latino’s recent review of .htaccess made easy, which is in Spanish Italian but includes some nice screenshots from the book :) Update: Here is an English-translated version of the review (via Google Translate).
Get your copy
Supplies are limited, so get your copy now. For the remainder of 2012, all printed books are sale for $10 off regular price. So you can get the printed book for $40 or the combo pack (print + PDF) for $50. Visit the book store for more details.
Digging into WordPress
To help promote my other book, Digging into WordPress, I’m offering a deal where you can get both printed books with even more savings. Contact me for more information.

14 responses to “Printed .htaccess books”
I think you can also make it for anther chinese edition, i hope so…
Why no ePub or MOBI? :(
Working on it! :)
I bought the pdf version less than a week ago. Had I known you would have a print versions I would have waited. Do you have an upgrade path for this?
Absolutely, contact me at for more infos :)
Do you ship to India
Yes!! :)
I couldn’t find a way to contact via the website, so I’ll use a comment. Just wanted to let you know this site is somewhat unusable when zoomed in the browser. Example page here. When zoomed up to 125%, post text is all there, but when zoomed to 150% or higher the right side gets cut off so you can’t make any sense of the post.
Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea.. which browser/device are you using for the zoom?
Sorry, forgot to mention, it’s Chrome. I noticed there’s no problem with IE 9…haven’t tried on other browsers
On Windows 7 x64 PC.
Hey cool book i come later back and see more!!!
This is probably the subject web coders want to avoid, but it’s not really possible. So, it’s good to see a book about .htaccess. Definitively buying.
Jeff, do you have an preferred language set in Notepad++ when it comes to .htaccess and syntax highlighting?
Hi Joe, thanks for the feedback. For syntax highlighting, I use “Apache” when available, otherwise plain-text for .htaccess. Not sure if Notepad++ has that or not..?