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Print Version of Digging Into WordPress!

Nearly six weeks after releasing the electronic/digital version of Digging Into WordPress, Chris and I are proud to announce that the printed version is now available from the Bookstore.

[ Photo: Fanning color page edges ]
Beautiful custom design with full-color printing on every page

Beautiful custom design..

Make no mistake, this is a beautiful, custom-designed book that makes it fun and easy to soak in the wisdom and advance your WordPress skills. Every detail has been carefully crafted — from the landscape page-orientation and color-coded chapters to the lay-flat spiral binding and large, easy-to-read text — this book is truly a pleasure to experience.

[ Photo: Spiral binding stays flat ]
Spiral binding opens flat and stays flat

What you’ll get..

Chris and I have poured ourselves into this book. It is completely packed with 400+ pages of practical WordPress information, tips, tricks, and techniques. Having all of that code and knowledge in a beautiful printed format is a very satisfying feeling. Reading through this book just feels good, and with the free lifetime subscription to the PDF version, you know that you’ll always have all of the latest code in ready-to-use format, all of the book’s hyperlinks directly targeting their pages, and all of the book’s content in easy-to-search digital text. You get the satisfaction, usability and portability of a printed book while enjoying the technological tools available with the PDF. It’s a complete package featuring the best of both worlds.

[ Photo: Flipping through DigWP ]
The book looks great and feels good

Get your own copy..

You can get your own copy of Digging Into WordPress for $67 (plus shipping & handling) through the book’s official Sales Page. Every purchase includes a PDF version of the book and free lifetime updates. Chris and I are passionate about WordPress, and plan on updating the PDF with fresh content as WordPress continues to grow and evolve. Here are a few factors determining the price for the printed version:

  • The book is 400 pages printed in full-color
  • As self-publishers, Chris and I are printing smaller quantities of the book
  • Everything is hand-crafted and custom-made from start to finish
  • A ton of work has went into making this book — a true DIY production

Chris and I have spent an enormous amount of time, energy, and money producing and promoting this book on our own, without relying on a giant book publisher to crank out a million copies. We took this route because we wanted to create the book that we wanted to make — not some dry, homogenized corporate interpretation. By maintaining control over every aspect of the writing, design, and production process, we were able to stay true to our artistic vision and deliver the book that we feel will be most beneficial to you, the reader. So the print version does cost a little more, but you get what you pay for, and this is definitely an authentic, high-quality production.

[ Photo: DigWP folds up nicely to save space ]
Digging Into WordPress folds up nicely to save space

Discounts, shipping, and affiliate information..

Here are some other important things that you should know:

Discounts for PDF customers

As promised, if you already have purchased a copy of the PDF, you’ll get a nice discount on the printed version. Here’s how to do it:

  • Email us through our contact form or send an email to “sales” at “” — either forward us your receipt or send us the name and email used for your purchase.
  • We’ll then verify your purchase and send you a discount code that you can use during the checkout process.
  • The discount amount you receive will be valued at your original purchase price plus an additional $5. So for example, if you paid $27 for the PDF, you’ll get a discount of $32. This way you’ll be getting the book for $35. This helps keep our margins intact and give everyone a fair deal on these printed books.

International shipping available

Due to demand, we have arranged to make the book available internationally. The cost for shipping and handling will vary according to your location, ranging anywhere from $28 to ship to places like Germany and the United Kingdom, to around $5 for orders shipped within the United States. Also note that Illinois sales are subject to sales tax, and international sales are subject to VAT. Everything is calculated automatically during the checkout process.

Affiliate program for printed copies

The PDF book currently pays 50% for affiliate sales. This gives affiliates a (stellar) commission of $13.50 per PDF sale. For printed copies of the book, each sale will pay a commission of 20%, which translates into $13.40 per book. Thus, affiliates will earn approximately the same amount for either version of the book. Either way, it’s an incredible deal — we have already paid thousands of dollars to our affiliates :) Learn more about our Affiliate Program.

[ Photo: Front cover of DigWP ]
Digging Into WordPress — 400+ pages of practical WordPress wisdom

If you have any questions about the book, contact us or leave a comment and we’ll do our best to help you out. To learn more about Digging Into WordPress, check out our DigWP Information Page.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Security Specialist. WordPress Buff.
Blackhole Pro: Trap bad bots in a virtual black hole.

18 responses to “Print Version of Digging Into WordPress!”

  1. Cognrats on getting the book out! Hope to get my hands on a hard copy soon!

  2. Jeff Starr 2009/12/29 3:43 pm

    Thanks! The book is doing is doing great so far — I’m also planning a giveaway contest for a print version next week. Stay tuned :)

  3. Archon Digital 2009/12/30 7:36 am

    Great work on the book!!!

    Being originally a graphic designer for print, I am thrilled at the production route you took, bypassing all that traditional corporate publishing outfits.

    I’d love to grab a copy of that as soon as possible.

  4. John Hoff - WP Blog Host 2009/12/30 8:38 am

    Very cool. Congratulations Jeff and Chris. I can only imagine how good it must feel to have that book completed. It looks awesome.

  5. Congratulations to both you & Chris! You are both inspiring figures and I can’t wait to read this. It looks gorgeous.

    And btw, thank you for choosing the lay-flat format. It will probably decrease the book’s lifespan, but it pains me when I have to break a reference book’s spine.

  6. Would love to get the book+pdf but shipping to the Netherlands costs $29.50??
    Thats nearly half the price the book+pdf costs..
    So i’ll have to skip this offer.

  7. Thanks everyone for the comments. It has been a long journey, but a very rewarding one as well. Best wishes to you all for the New Year! :)

  8. I have to say I’ve been really fired up about wordpress lately and with this book coming out all I can say is thank you and congratulations. I think I’m going to be joining wordcamp soon too…

  9. Wooh… what a delightful looking publication. Count me in as a future buyer of the printed version. May even get several, offer one up as a giveaway on IJC, can imagine that going down a REAL treat.

    Great collaboration as well Jeff, this should really prove to an epic project.


  10. Jeff, this is great news. You and you site have been a godsend for me and I hope you (and Chris) get all the credit and visibility from this book that you deserve

  11. Rick Beckman 2010/01/05 9:54 pm

    My absolute favorite thing about WordPress? That would be the community, Jeff. All the theme authors, the plugin authors, the hackers, the bloggers… Everyone. This is so not only because of what I gain from them but because they give me the opportunity to share what I know as well. It’s a 2-way street which I am glad to be a part of.

  12. Rick Beckman 2010/01/05 9:55 pm

    Evidently I’ve not had enough caffeine & my link clicking accuracy is failing. The previous comment, of course, was not meant for this post. Feel free to delete it & this. :P

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Perishable Press is operated by Jeff Starr, a professional web developer and book author with two decades of experience. Here you will find posts about web development, WordPress, security, and more »
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