Praise and Criticism
Subject: praise & criticism
Hello Google,
i have been using the google homepage
( as my personal internet
start page for several years now.
i have emailed before with praise
for the page’s very simple &
elegant design asthetics.
however, i am occasionally annoyed with
the periodic advertising frequenting the page.
For example, today i discovered the return
of the pesky “google toolbar” advertisement.
yuck. (strictly speaking of the start page)
i realize that i am scrutinizing a bit here,
but i find it necessary to voice my humble
opinion concerning one of the few products
actually worthy of my insightful criticisms.
seriously, please remove the image of the
google toolbar from the start page. please.
it matters. maybe some “we care text”
every now and then, but please,
no more images.
thank you for your concern.
thanks again for a truly great product.
your online friend,
August Klotz

One response to “Praise and Criticism”
This is a form letter for future "copy-&-paste" use..