Perishable Press Redirection Lounge
Welcome to the Perishable Press Redirection Lounge!
We keep a very close eye on all 404 (resource not found) errors. Every time a legitimate 404 rears its ugly head, we take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. In most cases, we use .htaccess redirects to prevent 404 errors. Often, the missing resource remains available, but has been moved to another location. In this situation, we simply redirect visitors to the new location. And that’s easy enough..
In some cases, however, 404 errors are generated due to content that is no longer available. For example, temporary posts, test posts, and duplicate posts often result in 404 errors, even if they were only online for a very short time. So, rather than redirecting such requests to the home page or to the 404 page, we have created an exclusive Redirection Lounge at which roaming search engines, misguided bots, and wandering visitors may find information and reassurance.
This page is actually a post handcrafted especially for this very moment in time. The post is public, exists online, and is archived at Perishable Press. In other words, you are currently deep within the Perishable Press Archives. To escape from such ancient realms, you can visit the Perishable Press home page. Otherwise, click on some other link to fight your way back to reality.
Where you are always welcome..
Whatever ends up happening, we hope that you enjoy your stay here at the Perishable Press Redirection Lounge. It may not be exactly what you originally had in mind, but you have to admit, the solitude provides plenty of time to think about that interesting life of yours. Plus you have an awesome stormtrooper keeping you company (and bringing you flowers).
Still here? Wondering why? Well, there are at least two possibilities:
- You clicked a link that brought you to this page.
- Or you tried accessing a resource at
that is no longer available.
If the former scenario holds true, then congratulations. It may not be what you had intended, but it’s definitely better than the typical, boring 404 page. We hope you enjoy your visit.
Or, if the latter scenario holds true, then the content you are seeking has not been relocated, misplaced, or renamed — it simply is no longer available on this domain. Most likely, the content has been deleted permanently. If you are absolutely determined to locate the missing content, please try a search engine or the always delightful Wayback Machine.
Indeed, if the requested resource were still available on this domain,
, our diligent web kittens would have redirected you swiftly to its new location. However, as the requested resource is not available, and because we try to avoid as many 404 errors as possible, we have created this Redirection Lounge to serve as our official redirect target for otherwise dead-end requests. We hope you find it as comfortable as it is informative.
If you feel that you have arrived at the Redirection Lounge in error, or have information concerning the location of some missing resource, please visit our official contact form and tell us all about it.