Pink Floyd 2005 Reunion Putting together a Pink Floyd Discography for any readers wanting to hear legendary music. SO AMAZING to see Pink Floyd reunite after so many years. Never thought it would happen. But yeah, the show looked amazing, fortunately was able to watch on tv (wish I were there LIVE). For Floyd fans, it just means a lot that David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, and Nick Mason were able to get together one last time. Continue reading »
Here are some basic PHP expressions and statements for ez reference.. Common Statements "\n" = new line "\t" = tab "\r" = carriage return "\$" = dollar sign "\"" = double quote Example usage: "\n\t<category>$category->cat_name</category>"; echo '<!– Category LiveBookmarks Plugin by Monzilla Media ( ) –>' . "\n"; echo "\n\t<!– Pink Floyd " . " Meddle –>\n\n"; echo Multiple Lines of Code echo <<<END … line of code … … line of code … … line of code … […] Continue reading »
Subject: praise & criticism Message: Hello Google, i have been using the google homepage ( as my personal internet start page for several years now. i have emailed before with praise for the page’s very simple & elegant design asthetics. however, i am occasionally annoyed with the periodic advertising frequenting the page. For example, today i discovered the return of the pesky “google toolbar” advertisement. yuck. (strictly speaking of the start page) i realize that i am scrutinizing a bit […] Continue reading »
After five years of college, a B.S. in Psychology, B.S. in Biochemistry, minor in mathematics, minor in chemistry, a President’s medal, excellent grades, endless hours studying and learning, many more hours applying to various medical schools, and of course thousands of dollars spent on tuition, books, et al, the hard work finally paid off.. Continue reading »
Sunset views from the Desert Oasis, Moses Lake Washington. Some interesting facts from the Moses Lake Wikipedia page: Moses Lake, on which the city lies, is made up of three main arms over 18 miles (29 km) long and up to one mile (1.6 km) wide. It is the largest natural body of fresh water in Grant County and has over 120 miles (190 km) of shoreline covering 6,500 acres (2,600 ha). Before it was dammed in the early 1900s […] Continue reading »
Spokane, Washington — Wednesday, July 20th, 1988. Shouts out to John E. for the ancient newspaper chunks. 30,000 headbangers converge on Joe Albi Stadium… Nothing beats skipping school to see Metallica, et al… Update! Due to high demand, we have scanned, edited, uploaded, and posted the entire "Monsters of Rock" article and all associated pictures. The contents of this article originally appeared in the Spokesman Review on Thursday, July 21st, 1988. Way back when newspapers cost a whole quarter. Monsters […] Continue reading »
The new Timeline category here at Perishable Press will consist of articles that recall various events from the distant and not-so-distant past. These posts are by no means comprehensive or even 100% accurate, but rather reflect the recalled essence of whatever memory is represented therein. Further, these articles will be posted sporadically and in no immediately obvious order, depending on whatever reflection happens to be preoccupying us at the moment. Plus, we tend to romanticize events somewhat, so leave if […] Continue reading »