Introspection WordPress Theme
Free WordPress theme! The dark/minimalist design of the Introspection theme was originally created for a Pink Floyd fan site. After taking the site down to clear room (and time) for new stuff, I felt the design was too sweet to just let rot away in the archives. So after a few days of generalizing Introspection for public use, I’ve made it freely available for download so it can shine on..
Introspection is a clean, simple theme designed to streamline workflow, optimize content, and inspire productivity.
- Minimalistic, lightweight, optimized design
- Supports custom menus, widgets, and featured images
- HTML5/CSS3 design with browser-safe colors and fonts
- Traditional two-column, fixed-width design
- Tabbed sidebar menu showing recent, popular, and random posts
- All-standard, plug-n-play WP theme functionality
The thing I like about Introspection is that it’s simple, clean and focused on content. It’s designed with greyscale color palette, consistent typography, and a well-balanced layout. When using this theme, I literally feel like creating content just to see how it will look “on the page.” Plus the theme’s source code is lightweight and flexible — perfect for intermediate users who want to customize their own introspective theme.
Just FYI: Introspection also is available from my WordPress themes page. So there or here you may download the latest version of the Introspection WordPress theme.

3 responses to “Introspection WordPress Theme”
Congratulations, this theme is very nice.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the feedback! I agree about the theme, it’s one of my favorites.
Sorry to bother you, but the theme for wordpress “Introspection” has not been updated? I tried it and I must say that I really like. You could drop it to another color than black and responsive?
Thank you.