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CSS Hackz Series: PNG Fix for Internet Explorer

In this CSS Hackz Series article, I outline several solutions for displaying alpha-transparent PNG (a.k.a. PNG24 format) images in everybody’s favorite broken browser, Internet Explorer. Specifically, IE versions through 6 (excluding IE 5 for Mac) fail to support alpha-channel transparency for PNG images. In these versions of IE, every pixel containing alpha-transparency is displayed with an ugly, flat gray color.

Fortunately, there are plenty of hacks and workarounds designed to “fix” IE’s PNG image-display problem. Unfortunately, every currently available solution requires the use of Microsoft’s proprietary AlphaImageLoader transparency filter1. Thus, if you need to display translucent PNG images in IE, the solution will inevitably involve the AlphaImageLoader filter until more sophisticated techniques are developed.

General Method

The general implementation of the AlphaImageLoader transparency filter requires three steps:

Step 1. Include an IE-specific stylesheet via conditional comments:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://domain.tld/path/ie-specific.css" />

Step 2. Within the same directory as the IE-specific stylesheet, upload a transparent GIF file2 and this .htc file, provided by TwinHelix Designs which contains an excellent implementation of the required AlphaImageLoader function.

Step 3. Finally, add the following “custom extension” to your “ie-specific.cssCSS file:

.png { behavior: url(http://domain.tld/path/; }

Once in place, this method will enable IE (versions 5.5+/Win) to display transparent PNGs for any PNG images associated with the “.png” class. This method works great for designs containing multiple PNGs as the behavior is applied to all .png-classed images — inline or background — regardless of name or location. For designs using only a few PNG images, the next method is equally effective, and doesn’t require any external files.

Simpler Method

This method replaces the external “” and transparent GIF files with a small chunk of invalid CSS:

.png {
	cursor: pointer;
	background: none;
	/* filter applies only to IE5+/Win */
	filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled='true', sizingMethod='fixed', src='http://domain.tld/path/image.png');
.png[class] {
	/* [class] applies to non-IE browsers */
	background: url(http://domain.tld/path/image.png) no-repeat;
* html .png a {
	/* make links clickable in IE */
	position: relative;
	z-index: 999;

Once in place, this chunk of CSS enables IE (versions 5.5+/Win) to display transparent PNGs for any PNG images associated with the “.png” class.

To use this code for background images, edit the image path/name to match your own and ensure that the .png class is included in the markup. For inline images, the second code block (i.e., .png[class]) may not be necessary. Here are a few more potentially useful considerations:

  • For best practice, include this code via conditional comment in an IE-specific stylesheet.
  • Alternatively, you may want to use the * html filter to keep the rules from interfering with other browsers (may affect performance).
  • This method will not work for background images that have been positioned in any way or set to repeat in any direction.
  • If the target PNG images fail to display properly, try replacing the sizingMethod='fixed' parameter with either sizingMethod='crop' or sizingMethod='scale'.
  • The last code block (i.e., * html .png a) is required only if there are links within the target element.

Alternate Method

An alternate approach to displaying transparent PNGs in IE involves placing the following code directly into your CSS file:

* html img,
* html .png {
behavior: expression((this.runtimeStyle.behavior="none")&&(this.pngSet?this.pngSet=true:(this.nodeName == "IMG" && this.src.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png')>-1?(this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none",
this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.src + "', sizingMethod='image')",
this.src = "transparent.gif"):(this.origBg = this.origBg? this.origBg :this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.toString().replace('url("','').replace('")',''),
this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.origBg + "', sizingMethod='crop')",
this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none")),this.pngSet=true)

Of course, you will probably want to include this code via conditional comment and an IE-specific stylesheet:

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://domain.tld/path/png_fix.css" />

A few notes should you decide to go this route:

  • Invalid CSS
  • Works well only for statically displayed images.
  • Requires a transparent 1px-square GIF image.
  • Non-repeating backgrounds should be sized to “crop”, others should be sized to “scale”.
  • As-is, this CSS expression is very resource-intensive, so..
  • USe this.runtimeStyle.behavior="none" to ensure the function is executed only once.

JavaScript Method

There are several JavaScript techniques for applying the AlphaImageLoader transparency filter to target PNGs. One of the more popular methods is the SuperSleight method. SuperSleight solves many of the problems typically associated with previously discussed methods:

  • Valid CSS — requires no special CSS.
  • Unobtrusive functionality — exclusively targets deficient versions of IE.
  • Improved performance — the function can be executed throughout the entire document or only in specified page regions.
  • Clickable links, focusable forms — optional automatic application of position: relative to links and form fields.
  • Automatic sizing method — detects background images set to no-repeat and sets the scaleMode to crop rather than scale.
  • Applied to new content — automatically applied to any newly added content, such as that loaded via Ajax requests.
  • Replaces previous versions — works with both inline and background images, replacing the need for both sleight and bgsleight.
  • Web Standards — complete separation of structure, presentation, and behavior.

The downside to this method is that JavaScript must be available in order for it to work. Other than that, the technique is nearly perfect, addressing nearly all of the shortcomings of previous methods. To use this method, download the Supersleight script and a transparent GIF, upload the files to your server, and include the function via conditional comment:

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain.tld/path/supersleight.js"></script>

..and that’s all there is to it. No need to mess with class names, alternate images, or specific attributes. Supersleight does all the work by traversing the DOM and applying the required filters via pattern matching. Completely unobtrusive and awesome.

Other Methods

As mentioned, there are many currently available PNG hacks for Internet Explorer. Here are a few of them:

Let me know of any others that should be added to the list!

Coming Next..

In the next fascinating CSS Hackz Series: The ubiquitous Clearfix Hack!

Stay tuned..


  • 1 As far as I know. Let us know if you have an alternate technique!
  • 2 Rumor has it that the transparent GIF file is not needed for CSS background images.

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Security Specialist. WordPress Buff.
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20 responses to “CSS Hackz Series: PNG Fix for Internet Explorer”

  1. Jeff Starr 2009/03/29 8:13 am

    @CSSJockey: Hmmm.. I just checked and it looks like everything is appearing as intended. Did you happen to catch the large red text at the top of every page that says:

    ATTENTION: Perishable Press no longer supports old versions of Internet Explorer. Please upgrade your browser or switch to something better, like Firefox, Opera, or Safari.

    Hopefully that explains the situation. Let me know if you need additional help with this.

  2. @CSSJockey


    I used the PNGfix for ie6 on this site, and all works well in ie6:


  3. CSSJockey 2009/03/29 9:53 am

    Hi Jeff, The page is displayed without any styles with a plane white background.
    I have uploaded a screen shot here

    I am trying hard to find a working pngfix for ie6 as a lot of free goodies and wordpress themes are in pending state to be released on

    Any help regarding this issue will be highly appreciated.

    Mohit Aneja – CJ

  4. Jeff Starr 2009/03/29 1:08 pm

    @CSSJockey: Not sure if I’m communicating effectively enough here.. If you look at the top of the screenshot you posted and read the large red text, it clearly explains why Perishable Press looks “plain” in Internet Explorer 6. This notice appears on every page on the site when viewed with IE6, so I am finding it difficult to imagine how you may have missed it there, in my previous comment, and in your screenshot. Further, with a name like “CSSJockey”, I would expect that the whole IE6-support thing would be old news for you.

  5. Jeff Starr 2009/03/29 1:15 pm


    Yes, PNGfix is good and so is Drew Diller’s DD_belatedPNG @


  6. CSSJockey 2009/03/29 2:08 pm

    I have tried a lot of fixes and workarounds, however I am not able to find or create any script which supports everything like background, hovers etc. Not sure why but IE6 crashes with most of the fixes.

    I read the note there but if your own website is not supporting ie6 what’s the idea of preaching about fixes that you can’t implement with your own setups.

    If we talk about market share of web browsers IE6 is currently used by 20 to 25 percent of the people online.

    I am looking for a fix to implement on our WordPress Themes to be released on not for my own website. And I cannot simply write a note that this theme will not work on ie6. That would be stupid i believe.

    If you open in IE6 you won’t find much difference in the layout and design.

  7. Jeff Starr 2009/03/29 6:44 pm


    I read the note there but if your own website is not supporting ie6 what’s the idea of preaching about fixes that you can’t implement with your own setups.

    If you read the note and actually understood it, why then, after seeing the web pages, reading my comment, and even posting a screenshot, do you make a statement that suggests you have absolutely no idea about what’s going on, as demonstrated in your next comment:

    The page is displayed without any styles with a plane [sic] white background.

    And now you have the audacity to act like you actually understood the reason for the unstyled pages the whole time? What, do you just like wasting my time or insulting my intelligence or both? If you did understand what was going on, then why waste my time with a screenshot in your second comment? Why not just argue against my clear decision to not support IE6 to begin with?

    As if that weren’t enough, your third comment then goes so far as to reprimand me for my decision not to support IE6? WTF is up with that, dude?

    You then go on to insult me further, and for no apparent reason, by saying:

    I read the note there but if your own website is not supporting ie6 what’s the idea of preaching about fixes that you can’t implement with your own setups.

    Before stuffing your foot in your mouth by making such ignorant statements, you had better do your homework. I have been designing websites and writing web-dev articles since you were in diapers. Check the Archives. I have written extensively on supporting many aspects of IE6 and have developed countless sites and themes that fully support that terrible browser.

    My decision to drop IE6 support for my personal blog design is one of principle, adhering to the belief that IE6 is an outdated, inefficient and even dangerous browser that should no longer be used. There is actually an entire movement of people who believe that we, as a community of designers and developers, need to begin the process of eliminating IE6 by dropping support for that hideous browser. This is exactly what I have done with my current design.

    By the way, the script you are looking for is available from Dean Edwards (404 Link Removed: Check it out, should be exactly what you are looking for.

  8. simple websites 2009/04/06 6:09 am

    Thank you so much, I searched for hours to solve an issue relating to a collapsible/animated accordion and this post solved the issues. It was clear and concise and worked really well.

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