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bbPress Theme Template Files

For those getting into bbPress for hosting your own forum, customizing your bbPress theme files can be difficult if you don’t know which page to load. Many of the bbPress theme template files contain enough clues to figure things out, but not every template file is used by default, or even at all depending on how you’ve configured bbPress. Themes may contain different template files, but the default “bbPress (Twenty Ten)” theme (included with version 2.1.1) may be considered a complete set.

In this post, I’ve listed all of the main template files for bbPress, so the mass of parts contained in the /bbpress/ sub-directory is not included here. Also not included are the JavaScript, CSS, and other self-explanatory files. To illustrate, here is a screenshot showing the files that are covered in this post:

[ Screenshot of bbPress TwentyTen template-files ]
bbPress “main” template-files (dark-blue background)

bbPress main template-files

This isn’t a template hierarchy, just a list of main template files included with the default Twenty Ten theme. Along with any important notes, an example URL be included for each file. So to view any of these files, edit the example URL to something similar that exists on your site. If you’re working with a new installation of bbPress, you may need to create some “test” forums, topics, and replies to invoke all of the different template files. So without further ado..

	the main forum page (lists all forums)

	list of topics (from all forums)

	the bbPress functions file

	used for editing single forums
	(also used by BuddyPress for group forums)

	single-forum view

	edit any single reply

	view any single reply

	edit any single topic

	merge any single topics

	split any single topic

	view any single topic

	edit any single user

	view any single user

	template for creating custom pages
	to see how it works, add this to your functions.php file:

	add_action('bbp_register_views', 'view_popular_topics');
	function view_popular_topics() {
		bbp_register_view('popular-topics', __('Popular Topics'), 
		array('meta_key'=>'_bbp_reply_count', 'orderby'=>'meta_value_num'), false);

	edit any tag

	view any tag

Page templates:
(all of these template-files may be viewed/tested by creating 
a page and applying the tamplate-name from the dropdown menu)


I hope this helps! I’m not a bbPress expert so plz don’t stone me if I missed something obvious (or not so obvious). Cheers!

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Web Developer. Book Author. Secretly Important.
Head Meta Pro: Perfect Meta Tags for WordPress

6 responses to “bbPress Theme Template Files”

  1. Doug Smith 2012/07/27 8:09 am

    I have a rather large bbPress 1.1 forum I’ve been putting off moving to the newer plugin version just because I know it’s going to be a lot of work getting everything tweaked just right. This post makes the theming part of the job much easier. Thanks!

  2. Just what I was looking for. Thank you!

  3. I’ve used bbPress on a couple of sites, but I found laboriously painful to modify, so I’ve been leaving it alone and tweaking styles here and there. It doesn’t seem to bother the average user as much as it does me.

    I’m about to create a new site using it, so I’ll have another look under the hood and see what ‘improvements’ i can make.

  4. Daniel Eckhart 2012/12/24 10:08 am

    Thanks for taking the time to write this up, Jeff! Very helpful to me this morning!

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