Crazy CSS Underline Effects
Check out these crazy CSS underline effects:
Double Underline Effects! (via u.double class)
Alternate Double Underline! (via .altdouble class)
Triple Underline Effects! (via u.triple class)
CSS Code
Here is the CSS corresponding to each of the previous examples.
/* -- double underline -- */
u.double {
border-bottom: 1px solid;
/* alternate double */
.altdouble {
border-bottom: 3px double;
line-height: 1.7em;
/* -- triple threat -- */
u.triple {
border-bottom: 3px double;
line-height: 1.9em;
if these examples do not display correctly with the site’s current design, check out the following screenshot to get a better idea:

About the Author
Jeff Starr = Fullstack Developer. Book Author. Teacher. Human Being.
7 responses to “Crazy CSS Underline Effects”
Thanks for that. I like how it is a nice simple way to do it.
Is a bad hack, because is engine rendering dependant. will show different on different engines.
On Gnome:
“Double Underline Effects”, shows has a double width line.
“Alternate Double Underline” shows has a double underline
“Triple Underline Effects” shows has a double underline, with the first one of double width.
Hi, thank you for the comment. A few points:
1. The CSS code presented is this article is completely legitimate and validates 100% according to the W3C CSS Validation Service. — No hacks here, man!
2. All rendering of CSS happens in the user’s browsing device, and therefore is dependent not only on the browser, but also on the operating system, plugins, fonts, etc. To say that it “is engine rendering dependant” is stating the obvious and does not support your claim that it “Is a bad hack,” which is false anyway (see point #1).
3. You then continue with several descriptions of the CSS as it renders on “Gnome.” What? The last time I checked, Gnome was an operating system for Linux, not a browsing device. The CSS code in this article renders fine in a majority of browsers on a majority of operating systems. As with any CSS, it is always possible to find at least one setup that does not display the CSS as intended. That’s just the name of the game. It sucks, I know, but nobody can test every browser on every operating system.
I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment, Tei, but feel inclined to emphasize the importance of research and understanding as it applies to the fine art of sharing your opinion.
great!!! thanks i’ll apply this on my site soon….
thanks from patagonia land…
Thanks, ale baur — I hope to visit there someday ;)
nice and simple – thanks for that ;)
Sure thing, Lukasz — happy to help!